View Full Version : Political double-standard

07-21-2008, 10:44 AM
This is injustice and prejudice based solely on polotical affiliation. They're especially bad about proticting this year's liberal cantidate just because he's also black. EQUALITY IS NOT FLIPPING THE TOTEM POLE!!! I see this all the time on the news whenever Barack Obama is on a trip. Almost every news organization has been worshiping him and kissing his butt just because he's the democratic presidential cantidate. They protect him by not letting any questions be asked about his past.

On the other hand, McCain is too much of a sell-out and is almost as bad as Obama. The upside is that he's so old, he could choose a good running mate and we could end up with a good president. A McCain-Huckabee campaign would be his best option in this case, because Huckabee was a preacher, therefore bringing Christian ideals to the vice-presidency. However, the media likes to take shots at us conservatives just because of our political affiliation.

In my theory, McCain is the lesser of two evils, even though most news organizations have been praising Obama as this "great savior". The only real great savior is Jesus Christ.

07-21-2008, 11:35 AM
All running presidents get crap thrown at him. Barack is protected in both security and questions because he could get killed just for being black.

07-21-2008, 04:57 PM
Ehh... I agreed with you until you said that Huckabee should run with him. IMO he's kinda crazy. As a Christian I don't want anyone who promotes Christianity as far as he has; it won't get a lot of votes from non-Christians that's for sure.

I voted for Romney in the primaries because he knows stuff about the economy and could lead us to fixing it. I hope he's the candidate. *crosses fingers*
Besides Romney has many Christian values even though he's Mormon, so he could win with the Christian vote plus those who care for the economy plus those who are like, "Hey! Let's get someone in the white house who isn't Christian and mix things up a little!"
Barack is protected in both security and questions because he could get killed just for being black.
You know that's really easy to forget about. I live in an area that's mostly white but has enough blacks/latinos/asians to make it more diverse and not so racist.

07-22-2008, 02:49 PM
Minus the jesus crap, That sounds a lot like our "brown v cameron" debate.

Ones a compulsive liar, the others a repulsive snob with the "good honet british ideals" (basically, hes a hypocryte and borderline racist at times).

Yet Mr brown, liar he may be, still is the better man for the job - he isnt a minority crushing basatard who realises that people in deprived areas need support, not yelling at.

07-23-2008, 02:11 AM
There are no liberals or conservatives, those are just labels created by the media to take the politics out of politics, and have two polar ideas to constantly play off of each other, and have a constant nonexistent battle between these two supposed groups to boost the ratings.

I mean, it's a nice idea from a sensationalist standpoint. I mean, that in the world there are two political ideologies, both of which are polar opposites, and mutually exclusive, and that these two battling ideologies are at constant qwar with one another for dominion over the United States of America, and that both sides have to fight as hard as they can because if the wrong one wins, it's game over for everyone. I mean, it does kind of draw attention to the fact that there is a great deal of inefficiency in the democratic proccess in the United States, especially on a federal level, but beyond that, it's a bunch of nonsense.

But really, all it does is create problems. Because all the media does is use these two fictional political ideologies, play them against each other, which draws people in, get enough people to pick a side, then turn the fictional ideologies into stereotypes, which people then debate over ad nauseum (which drives the reatings up).

Because honestly, everyone (in media driven cicles, at least) goes on constantly goes on about how "the liberals do this," and how "the conservatives do that," or believe this, or say that, or think X, or do Y, when in reality these two groups do absolutely none of these things, because these groups consist of people sitting at home watching television who picked a side when they were told to, even though the political pertinence and unity of these sides is highly questionable, if not nonexistent.

But the thing is that it works. That is, if people have chosen a side, and they're hooked, then when the media plays up the "liberal vs. conservative" conflict (which is a media conflict, not a genuine debate between two political ideologies) everyone's excited, everyone's engaged, and everyone wants to root for their team. Which drives the ratings up even more. What it really all is is a sport. That is to say, when you watch a sport, the reason you watch is to see which team is going to win, and you're generally more interested when you have a team to root for. You wouldn't watch a bunch of people standing around doing aerobics for hours on end because there would be no competition and no conflict, so it would be boring...which is exactly what politics is. That is to say, it's interesting once you appreciate it for what it really is, but compared to the superbowl that the elections are made out to be by the media, politics is dull as hell.

And then there's the notion that there are also "moderates" in the world, who don't choose a side, or don't have a strong alliance to their side...don't let this fool you either, it's a decoy. Because in reality, all American politics is moderate, because politics that can't be considered moderate would instead be extremist, and as uninteresting as it sounds, American politics has never been conducive to nor associated with extremism.

So while it may be a good idea to get informed on the candidates in an election if you're going to vote, there's no sense in making an emotional investment, because most of it is just drama created by the media...the only way it would make sense to be strongly emotional would be if you were completely dissatisfied with the state of American politics across the spectrum, and you wanted to create unprecedented change by defying the existing system...but that's not what you're talking about anyway.

All that American "liberals" and "conservatives" are is scapegoats, that's it. You get to choose a side that's been created for you, which means that you don't have to initially make decisions by yourself, you get support and encouragement by the spokespeople for your side, who reassure you that what you think is right, meaning that you don't have to challenge your own views, or anyone else who challenges your views, and you have the other side as a convienent enemy to blame as either the source of the world's problems, or a significant deterrent in solving all of the world's problems. But really all it amounts to is the same propaganda used by the Soviets, used by the Nazis, and used by the Americans...only rather than being used to rouse up nationalism, it's being used to encourage national division.

And remember, Jesus saves, but George Nelson withdraws...so you should watch out for him.