View Full Version : Trinity Blood

09-10-2009, 02:21 PM
Father Abel Nightroad is a traveling priest for the Vatican battles Evil Order of Rosenkreutz, an organization whose only goal is to start a war between Methuselah (Vampire,) and Humans. Father Nightroad is teamed with a Sister Esther Blanchette, going from the Deep within the Empire to the Great country of Albion, to try to bring a peaceful co-existance between human and Vampire alike.

I love this Anime/ Manga.

09-10-2009, 03:06 PM
I remember watching the dub once on Adultswim. I heard the ending was well sad for the viewer.

09-11-2009, 03:08 PM
I remember watching the dub once on Adultswim. I heard the ending was well sad for the viewer.

I have the whole series on DVD.
Everytime I watch it, I'm glued to the screen and can't move.

The ending was sad.

Abel and Ion go off to hunt Cain, while Esther becomes Queen of Albion.

It also kind of pissed me off, making me want more.