View Full Version : Help for a Lost Soul.

05-13-2010, 12:53 PM
Okay, I know this is only my second post here so you'll all be pretty reluctant to talk to me, but hear me out.

My main motive for coming to this forum is because I'm trying hard to get back in touch with my anime side. When I was young, from about 13 to 16, I was a big anime nerd. However, in my 16 year old resentment of everything phase, I began to hate anime. I got rid of every aspect of it in my life, and avoided those who still liked it. My art style changed(though it still has influences when I doodle), my interests changed, my major changed, everything.

Now, at 18, I've decided I need to get back to my roots. I've undergone a lot of growing lately, and I've learned there's no point in hating something that can be so fun. However, there's a problem with just going back and watching a bunch of anime.

I'm something of an animation buff. I plan on being an animator, and I spend a lot of time watching and analyzing animation, for better or for worse(Better, one of my favorite movies of all time is the Triplets of Belleville. Worse, I've seen all 13 Land Before Time movies.). Because of this, the shortcuts in animation that are inherent in most anime drive me nuts.

Now, I have a healthy respect for these shortcuts, due to the fact that without them animation never would have gotten off the ground as a marketable art form, but it makes me cringe to see every missing frame, every bit of botched perspective, every incorrect gait and unnatural movement. Perhaps I'm just a perfectionist, but I can't help it.

Anyway, what I need help with is some recommendations of anime that will help me let go of my need for amazing artwork and let me enjoy myself again. Now, just because I don't watch anime doesn't mean there aren't a specific few I like(Azumanga Daioh is my guilty pleasure.), but any will help at this point.

For those who are too tired/lazy to read all that; I am not an anime nerd. I don't really speak your language. However, I am willing to learn. Please point me toward the nearest Rosetta Stone kiosk.

Thanks in advance guys, I need all the enjoyment I can get these days.