View Full Version : another idea i stole on the forum...

07-20-2007, 07:21 AM
once again, i apologise for whoever's idea this originally was, but i had to post it here in this section.
can the site sell a C.D with all the music LK has used during TAS?
i'm sure many people would be interested

07-20-2007, 01:28 PM
That would be a real mess to set up. Since the rights are owned by so many people, and it would get EXPENSIVE to get all those rights, assuming they were willing to give them. Selling the CD without those rights would be out and out piracy, and Yugioh Abridged operates in enough of a legal gray area as it is without going straight to the black market.

Now, somebody could set up an iTunes list of all the songs, which you could then buy, like I've seen people do 80's music mixes or whatnot.