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06-13-2011, 06:46 PM
Mafia: The Forum Game [Beta]
All the fun of the popular party game, without the need for real-life social interaction.

General Overview


1. At its core, Mafia is played between two teams; the town and the mafia (i.e. the namesake of the game). Needless to say, the town collective are the protagonists while the mafia are the antagonists.
2. A GM (i.e. Game Master) is a neutral player who, while not a player in the game, is directly involved by moderating and making sure everyone follows the rules.
3. The mafia and the town can be further differentiated by some (not all) members possessing specific, unique abilities; they are referred to as roles. The GM is responsible for assigning roles at the beginning of the game. Not every player will necessarily have a role and no roles are announced at the beginning of the game. A role is only revealed after the respective player has died. More than one of the same role can be in play at the same time. Although roles are normally only revealed once the player has died, this is not always the case.
4. The round is the total length of time it takes for the game to end (i.e. with either side winning). A round is further subdivided into days and nights. A turn is comprised of a day and night phase of the same set. During the day, players are allowed to vote, use their abilities, etc. During the day, players are allowed to vote, use their abilities, etc. During the night, voting is stopped and the only players ‘active’ are the mafia. However, non-Mafia roles can make actions during this time. Days and nights last until the GM officially stops them and posts a summary summarizing the events of that day or night.
5. The recoil is the discussion that proceeds an ended round. Players can post their personal experience of the round, or discuss rule changes.
6. An expansion is an add-on that changes the dynamics of the game significantly; however, it is not a role, but can contain roles. Expansions are used at the GM's discretion and need not be used at all.


The objective of the town is to eliminate all members of the mafia. The objective of the mafia is to outnumber the town (which would, by consequence, allow them to have a voting majority). The difficulty is that the town is unaware of who the mafia is – it could be anyone – but, surely, the mafia co-inhabits the town with its peaceful citizens, blending in and remaining almost unnoticeable. Notably, a legitimate team effort is required on both ends for either side to be successful. The mafia has an advantage, however, since they are aware of each other’s identities. On the other hand, the town has the advantage of numbers, outnumbering the mafia significantly.

During the day, all members of the town (including the mafia members who conceal themselves as innocent townspeople) vote on someone amongst them to lynch (i.e. kill, without trial) in the game thread. This could involve having an open discussion, or voting whatever way you feel like. Be warned that, with the mafia amongst the town, voting in unison with others could be working towards the mafia’s ends; the killing of innocents. At the end of the day, whosoever has the most votes by the end of the day is killed off and their role revealed by the GM in a summative post.

Similarly, during the night, the mafia members themselves have a secret discussion amongst themselves to kill a specific target in the town via PMs. Ultimately, the leader of the mafia, the Godfather, PMs the GM a target after consulting his team. It is highly recommended that mafia members come to an agreement before the PM is made. Mafia members can elect to kill themselves if strategy requires it. The GM ends the night by posting the surely gruesome death of the mafia’s victim in the game thread as a summative post.


As mentioned, the GM will write summative posts, detailing all the events of that turn. For day phase, this includes:
- A descriptive narrative which takes into account every player’s actions and that day’s events
- An abridged list, in point form, detailing the narrative above
- An updated player list, with the deceased marked with [strike] tags

For the night phase, a narrative of the mafia victim’s death and an updated player list is sufficient.

The GM has the authority to fit in a logical sequence of events. For greater flexibility, the GM should fit event occurrence in real-time, allowing for the earliest events requested via PM by players to take priority, if possible. Basically, it’s the GM’s call in how a day plays out. Of course, the GM’s reasoning should be fair and rational.


At the end of each round, the GM is required to hand out an MVP to recognize the achievement of certain players. The MVP is one award, but it can be given to a single player or a group of players (in the case that a team was fundamental to achieving the outcome of the round). Along with the name of the GM, the MVP and their recipients are recognized in the GM/MVP Records section of the social group, their names being embedded into the forum until the end of time or whenever the forum ceases to exist.

The Rules:

1. The GM’s decisions are the ultimate level of appeal. Any issues with the GM’s decisions should be discussed via PMs. If you derail the game with arguments, the GM has the authority to kill you. If you must make it public, leave arguments for recoil. The GM further has the authority to override rules and the game timeline to address ambiguities and circumstances where the game breaks, as well as to correct mistakes on his/her part. Additionally, if the GM find unethical or unsportsmanlike behavior, they can force a player to undergo a one game leave, wherein they cannot play for a single Round. This punishment will not be recorded against said player anywhere.
2. When a player dies, said player is eliminated from the game. Ghosts? There’s no such thing as ghosts. Dead players can, however, converse with each other. That is to say, dead players can post in the threads and make comments, but are not allowed to make any commentary that would influence the game. The GM reserves the right to pass judgment on what does and what does not count as influencing the game. If a dead player is revived, the GM will notify the dead player of the revival.
3. Days should last up to 20-23 hours, and nights should last from 1-4 hours (i.e. both should sum to 24). Nights are truncated in time for the benefit of the town. If the mafia feels that the time offered at night is not sufficient, they can arrange to send in PMs during the day, well in advance, listing a primary victim and substitute victim. In the case that the primary victim is lynched by the town during that day, their night kill defaults to the substitute.
4. If you anticipate being absent for a part of the game, give 24-hour notice. If you anticipate being very inactive, just refrain from signing up. Don’t post that you’re not signing up; not posting at all during sign ups is indicative enough.
5. Only votes in this format Vote: [username] count. If you wish to undo a vote, simply make another post in the format Unvote: [username]. The GM is responsible for tallying votes.
6. The mafia comprises of roughly 1/4th of the town. Round up or down, if necessary.
7. It is against the rules to betray your team to the town if you are in the mafia. The only exception to this is the Usurper role and, even then, there are specific conditions to this. However, any non-Mafia role can go corrupt after getting permission from the GM, who will allow or disallow the corruption based on their own judgment regarding the balance of the game. The GM reserves the right to limit or tweak the corrupted role's abilities as they see fit. A corrupted player is not allowed to switch back to their original side.
8. The recoil should, at most, last 3 days.
9. Players are able to reveal their roles to others. However, do this at your own peril.
10. This is a game. It is ran for the enjoyment of the players. As such, try to follow the basic principles of good sportsmanship and refrain from abusing your fellow players. The GM reserves the right to decide what is and what is not bad sportsmanship and abuse.
11. Players are not allowed to speak to the GM in code with the intent to "hide" their actions. They are further disallowed from making official actions via MSN, barring the site itself not working for them. Even in that case, if a relevant role is using an ability on that player at the time of the MSN conversation (i.e., the NSA Agent), a stock PM will be created showing what ability or abilities were used.
12. Players are, however, allowed to send in "red herring" actions to throw off potential eavesdropper roles (e.g. requesting to "kill" someone when the player has no such role that allows for it).
13. Under no circumstances can one player send actions on behalf of another player.
14. Conditional sign-ups are allowed as long as the request is done privately (via PM) and it is reasonable. The GM reserves the right to deny any request, judging whether it is reasonable or not.

06-13-2011, 06:46 PM

A role is not revealed publicly by the GM, unless the role description explicitly says so. Furthermore, for investigation-purposes, a role's true identity is revealed unless otherwise stipulated by the role's description.

The Mafia:

Note: The Godfather role is mandatory. Any other mafia role is optional; it is up to the GM to include or exclude them depending on personal preference. To fill the 1/4th quota, the Goon role should be assigned. Only Mafia-categorized roles can be in the mafia.

1. The Godfather leads the mafia. As such, he chooses his minions from the player list (i.e. creates his own team) and, in doing so, assigns a second-in-command, third-in-command, etc. If the Godfather is killed, the second-in-command (and so on) is promoted to the Godfather role.
2. The Godfather sends a PM to the GM each night indicating the mafia’s next victim. That player is killed at night’s end. If the Godfather fails to make the PM in a timely fashion, the GM may contact the second-in-command (and so on) for the kill.
3. The Godfather is naturally immune to investigative roles, and shows up as innocent. This is subject to the powers of others, however.
4. When picking their mafia, the Godfather should choose carefully. If the team members are unavailable, the Godfather is unable to action for them. Further, the GM is not required to compel the Mafia members to obey the Godfather, despite the "No betraying unless you are the Usurper" rule. Any infractions will be dealt with after the Round in question.

1. Up to three times in the round, the Cleaner can PM the GM indicating that he will “clean up” the body after the mafia has claimed its next victim. At night’s end, the mafia’s kill is announced but the town does not learn the victim’s role (if any), the victim shows up as a townsperson.
2. When the Cleaner uses their power on a planned mafia victim, they learn the actual role of that player, even though the town does not.

1. Every other day, the Extortionist can blackmail and/or intimidate a player.
a) Blackmail; The targeted player cannot use his role.
b) Intimidate; The targeted player cannot post in the thread and, by consequence, vote. If the intimidated player speaks out in the thread, he has a 50% chance of getting killed at day’s end. Any further posts by the target adds 5% to this probability.
2. Either ability can be done in one of two ways. First, the Intimidation can be sent in during the Night Phase and will take effect immediately when the subsequent Day Phase starts. Second, it can be done in the middle of Day Phase, but will not take effect until the GM gets online and makes a post announcing it.
3. Other players are not allowed to post for the Intimidated player.

1. The Con-Man can guess any player’s role by PMing the GM each turn until he gets a role correct. The player must be alive.
2. Assuming the Con-Man is correct in his guess, his role "activates" and he “steals” that player’s role (i.e., gaining all abilities), while the victim becomes a powerless townsperson. When he steals a role, the Con-Man creates a separate, new instance of it for himself with all abilities "reset". However, if the Con-Man gives up the role and then later reclaims it, his instance of the role will resume from where he last left it.
3. This power is lost if the victim dies, or the Con-Man voluntarily gives up the role.
4. The Con-Man can guess another player's role by voluntarily giving up the stolen role (thereby, returning it to the victim) or if the current victim is killed. The Con-Man cannot hold multiple roles simultaneously.

1. During the round, the kidnapper can kidnap players (i.e. one at a time) and hold them hostage.
2. The Kidnapper can draft a ransom note, which is then presented to the town by the GM, detailing a reasonable demand. If the demand is met, the hostage is freed and the Kidnapper must wait 3 days before kidnapping again. The Kidnapper must wait 3 days if the hostage is released unconditionally. If the Kidnapper is killed, the hostage is freed. Otherwise the hostage is held indefinitely.
3. The hostage cannot vote, use his/her power, or post in the time that he/she is kidnapped. If the hostage violates these conditions, the Kidnapper reserves the right to kill the hostage (subject to GM discretion). In this case, the Kidnapper must wait 1 full turn (i.e. both a day and night phase) before kidnapping again.
4. Stockholm Syndrome: When a player is kidnapped, Stockholm Syndrome goes into effect. After a certain number of days, as determined by the GM, the player will begin to sympathize with their kidnappers and join the mafia (i.e. go corrupt). The number of days is not known to the Mafia until they are informed by the GM that the player has joined them. The player will still appear as kidnapped, but is able to use their role abilities. Even after being released, the person suffering from Stockholm Syndrome will continue to be a part of the mafia. However, their death is not required for a town victory.

1. Each day, the Framer can plant incriminating evidence on a player. If that player is investigated, he is determined to be guilty.
2. Any framings done are permanent. They will last the entire Round, barring use of role abilities that would cancel them.

1. Every turn (day or night), the Seductress "seduces" a target and tells them who to vote for the next day (via the GM).
2. If the target fails to make his final vote as that requested by the Seductress, the target dies during the next night phase.

1. The Hitman is allowed to kill, but he has to wait 2 full turns from round start before making his first kill (i.e. the kill can happen on the 3rd day or after, but not sooner).
2. From that point on, the waiting time doubles (i.e. the next kill happens 4 days later, then 8, etc.).

Cold Reader:
1. Upon investigation, the Cold Reader is revealed as the Medium. However, upon death, the Cold Reader's true identity is revealed (unless cleaned).
2. Every other day, the Cold Reader can PM the GM an unrestricted, fake message attributed to a dead player, which the GM posts on the Cold Reader's behalf.

The Rat:
1. If the Rat is about to be lynched, he can sell out any one of his Mafia comrades (except the Godfather) who dies instead.
2. If this happens, the Rat is immune to lynching for 3 days.

Mail Bomber:
1. Once per round, the Mail Bomber can send an anonymous message to a target with one word through the GM. This is the "word" bomb.
2. Discretion needs to be taken on the GM's part as to what constitutes a valid "word" bomb. The word "(un)vote" and player names are not permitted; however, nicknames are permitted.
3. During the next day phase, if no one says the "word" then the target dies the next night. Otherwise, whoever else says the "word" blows up and is killed instantly and in real time (i.e. this can be multiple targets).

1. Everyday the Bootlegger can target a player and get them drunk.
2. The targeted player will cast their vote randomly. The vote will only be applied to a player that already has at least one vote to his/her name, and the vote itself is revealed publicly by the GM. The vote is cast near the end of the day (i.e. when most votes have been cast already).
3. Any abilities the targeted player uses will target another player randomly.

1. The Bookie has a 100% probability reservoir from round start. He can change the success of actions by targetting players and using his probability until it runs out.
2. As a negative effect, for every % he puts into a target, the target's chance of successfully using said role drops by that %.
3. As a positive effect, for every % he puts into a target, the target's chance of successfully using said role increases by that %.
4. Every turn, the Bookie gains 10% probability but his reservoir will not exceed 100%.

The Bruiser:
1. The Bruiser can protect a member of the mafia during the night phase, excluding himself; whoever he protects will become immune to death for that night phase.
2. To lynch the Bruiser, half of the remaining town must vote for him during the day phase.

The Identity Thief:
1. The Identity Thief can pick one mafia member and give him a 'false identity' in the form of a role for the rest of the round. This includes himself and the role chosen need not be in play.
2. When investigated by anyone but the detective, the target shows up as the given role.
3. The Identity Thief can change the identity of another mob member, but the previous target reverts back to his original identity.

The Inside Man:
1. The Inside Man can PM the GM an investigative role every other turn and can change the results of any potential investigation this role might carry out. The GM does not confirm/deny the existence of the requested role and cannot change the results if the requested role has already made an action.
2. If investigated by any role (including the Detective), the Inside Man will appear as a townsperson.

1. Like a townsperson, the goon has no special abilities. However, being a member of the mafia, he has equal say in suggesting targets to the Godfather and must be killed for the town to win.

During the Round, any one of the Mafia members can PM the GM, proclaiming their intent to become an Usurper. The GM needs to approve this request. While loyal to the mafia itself, the Usurper is power-hungry and wants to be the Godfather. If the Usurper can somehow get the Godfather killed, he becomes the new Godfather and can re-establish the hierarchy (i.e., second-in-command, etc.). The Usurper must outline a plan which will be followed for the overthrow to be legitimate (with slight deviations being permitted). This avoids an unscrupulous player from taking credit for when the Godfather dies randomly. The GM will then decide whether to validate the Mafia member becoming an Usurper or not. What methods are acceptable to get the Godfather killed should be discussed with the GM.

The Forces of Justice:

Note: The Detective role is mandatory. Any other justice role is optional; it is up to the GM to include or exclude them depending on personal preference.

1. Each day, the Detective can interrogate a player by PMing the GM the player’s name. The GM returns a ‘guilty’ verdict if said player belongs to the mafia and a ‘innocent’ judgment otherwise. This is not always 100% accurate, though (i.e. the Framer’s ability).
2. If the investigated player is corrupt (via the Corruption expansion), the Detective is told so.

FBI Agent:
1. Every other day, the FBI Agent can learn a player’s role by PMing the GM the player’s name. If said player is in the mafia, he/she is identified as a townsperson.
2. Every other day, the FBI Agent can analyze a dead player’s body by PMing the GM. If a mafia victim is investigated, the FBI Agent learns the role (i.e. undoing the Cleaner’s power) and this will be declared in the player's list. If a lynch victim is investigated, the last player “associated” with the victim (i.e. if a role used an ability on him/her) is identified.

Secret Service Agent:
1. The secret service agent is aware of the Governor’s identity.
2. Each night, the Secret Service Agent can PM the GM a name of a player to protect. If the mafia targets that player, he/she is protected.
3. If the Secret Service Agent chooses to do so, he can prevent a town lynching but his identity is revealed.
4. The Secret Service Agent cannot use his Night Phase role ability to protect himself from the Mafia.

CIA Agent:
1. Every other day, the CIA Agent can ‘arrest’ three players. Any votes or abilities used by said players up to that point are not annulled, but they are inactive for the rest of the day.
2. Every other day, the CIA Agent can set up surveillance targeting a specific player. The CIA Agent learns of any other players that target said player (i.e. use their role powers on him/her) and of any items said player was holding associated with that player’s role (i.e. a gun could be indicative of either mafia or justice alliance). Creativity is encouraged on the part of the GM.

NSA Agent:
1. Every day, the NSA Agent can wire-tap one player. Any PMs sent by said player to the GM are forwarded to the NSA Agent.

Other Roles:

Note: Not all of these roles need to be included. It’s up to the GM’s discretion to use them. If there are more players than roles, then any remaining players are considered townspeople.

1. The Governor can PM the GM, requesting that that day’s lynch be stopped, under the following conditions:
a) It is not himself
b) The player has not already been saved by the Governor previously (i.e. this only works once/player)
2. Even if the Governor saves a player once, and they later die and are revived, the Governor is unable to save them again.
3. The Governor can force the GM to reveal his identity at the cost of the SS Agent being unable to protect him anymore.

1. Three times per round, the Mayor can stop the lynch by PMing the GM.
2. The third time this is done, the crowd is upset and the Mayor dies instead.

Traveling Salesman:
1. Every other day, the Traveling Salesman can leave town on ‘business,’ making him immune to lynching that day and that night’s mafia hit (i.e. The GM doesn’t reveal his identity in the summary).
2. Every day, the Traveling Salesman can ‘sell’ his vote to a player (without the target's agreement), allowing that player to have double-voting power but he becomes unable to vote himself as a consequence.
3. At any day thereafter, he can cash in and have a voting power equal to as many votes he has sold in previous days, however, now his customers will be unable to vote. He can only cash in votes of those players that are still alive. He can restart the cycle again the next day. He can only vote for one person with his accumulated votes.

1. The Miller is a regular townsperson except, upon investigation, he is revealed to be guilty. Upon death, he is revealed just to be a townsperson by the GM. His true identity is only revealed at round end.

1. The Jester’s goal is to get lynched. If he succeeds, any players that voted for his lynch can’t vote or use role abilities the next day.

1. Once per round, the Angel can opt to ‘switch’ places with the lynched or mafia victim for either the day or night phase, sacrificing himself instead. The Angel cannot be conned by the Con-Man or blackmailed by the Extortionist.

1. Every day, the Doctor can try to bring a dead player back to life with a 50% chance of success on the first attempt. If he succeeds, the chances of revival for the next victim drop by 10%.

1. The Lawyer can represent a player each day.
2. If that player is to be lynched, then he can contest the results. If the number of votes for the Lawyer’s client is at most 5 more than those for the next leading player, that player is lynched instead. Otherwise, he has a 50% chance of successfully transferring the lynch to the next leading player.

1. Every night, the Hider can hide at another player’s house by PMing the GM. In doing so, he is immune from the mafia when targeted, but is also killed if his host is targeted.
2. If the Hider chooses to hide at a mafia member’s home, he is automatically killed.

The Batman:
1. You are required to reveal your role to someone during each day phase by PMing the GM who will pass on your identity to the requested target. If you fail to do so, the GM will give your identity to someone randomly.
2. You are allowed, but not required, to kill a player during each night phase. If your target is not a mafioso, you lose your role and become a townsperson. If your target is a mafioso, you keep your abilities.

The Medium:
1. Every other day, the Medium is able to contact a dead player via the GM.
2. The GM can post one message (i.e. max 20 words) in the game thread on behalf of the dead player and credit it to the Medium.

The Rabble-Rouser:
1. Everyday, the Rabble-Rouser can PM the GM to stir the town into a frenzy. Any player who receives 5 or more final, registered votes will be lynched at the end of the day phase (this is subject to the power of others however). If the Governor stops the lynch, only one player can be saved (i.e. chosen to be the one with the most votes by the GM, if the Governor does not name who he wants to save).
2. In cases of a tie vote, the Rabble-Rouser can decide who gets lynched.

Girl Scout:
1. The Girl Scout is immune to the Framer.
2. The Girl Scout begins each day with -1 votes to her name.

1. The Reporter is able to add a one-sentence message in the results of each day-of-end summary by PMing the GM.

The Big Bad Wolf:
1. The Big Bad Wolf is revealed as a townsperson upon investigation.
2. If the Big Bad Wolf is targeted by the Hider or the SS Agent during the night phase, they are killed.

1. The Survivor can survive any kill attempt once, automatically. The town is not informed that the survival was due to the role, however.

The Lightning Rod:
1. Every day, the Lightning Rod can choose to force the first 3 registered votes to change to his name. This can be invoked before or even after the votes have been cast. When invoked, the GM announces the vote change in the thread.

The Princess
1. If the Princess is killed, then the next Day's phase is dedicated to her funeral and to mourn her passing; the day's lynch is skipped entirely.

Vengeful Townsperson
1. If the Vengeful Townsperson is voted out and killed during the day phase, he can choose to kill someone along with himself. This ability only works if the Vengeful Townsperson dies.

The Chessmaster:
1. The Chessmaster is allowed one guess to identify the Godfather, throughout the round.
2. If he is correct, he is able to "fake" his death if he is killed by the mob. In this case, he appears as dead to the town, but he is actually alive. At any point in the round thereafter, he can reveal himself, thus, making him 'active' again. In doing so, the GM makes a post describing his clever rouse.
3. While the Chessmaster has 'faked' his death, any attempt to vote, or influence the game, automatically makes him 'active' again.

1. At the beginning of the round, the Pretender knows one role which is in play, but not who possesses it.
2. The Pretender can either pretend to be that role, or any other non-mob role of his choosing, by PMing the GM on day 1. If he fails to PM the GM, the GM automatically assumes he is pretending to be the role given to him.
3. If, and when, the original role owner dies, the Pretender becomes that role.

1. The Vigilante is allowed to kill one player throughout the round, during any given night phase. He is allowed to attempt a kill as many times as he needs, until he is successful.

The Slowpoke
1. When the Slowpoke is targeted, the action happens late (i.e. the next day). This includes the mob kill. The GM does not reveal the Slowpoke's identity, but simply posts or delivers the results late to whoever is targeting.

Bus Driver:
1. Every night, the bus driver can choose to 'switch' two players. Any actions intended to affect one of the players happens to the other instead, and vice-versa.

06-13-2011, 06:47 PM
Hated Townsperson:
1. The Hated Townsperson is unaware that he is "hated"; he is told by the GM that he is a regular townsperson.
2. Regardless of who is lynched, if the hated townsperson gets 3 votes, he dies as well. His role is revealed after death.

The Little, Old Lady
1. The Little, Old Lady is immune to all Mafia powers other than the main night kill.
2. The GM never tells the Little, Old Lady that she is targeted, however when the mafia attempts to use their power they receive the message that they can't since she reminds them too much of their mother.

The Jealous Townsperson
1. The Jealous Townsperson is assigned a random name from the player list. If that player is lynched, the Jealous Townsperson wins.

The Suicidal Townsperson
1. The Suicidal Townsperson commits suicide on 3rd night of the game and there's nothing he can do to stop it.

The Night Stalker
1. Once per round, the Night Stalker can attempt to kill 1 player during the night phase. The killed player is privately informed of his death, he cannot post in the thread or inform other players of his death. However, for all intents and purposes, the player appears as alive in the end of turn summaries.
2. The dead player's status is revealed when any role uses a power on them. The dead player counts toward the final score regardless of whether or not his status is discovered yet.

The Governor's Daughter
1. If the Governor's daughter is killed by the mob, the mob cannot make a kill of any sort for the entirety of the next turn. If the mafia tries to kill anyway (even if unsuccessful), a random town role is converted into a random Justice role.

The Silvertongue
1. If the Silver Tongue is targetted by the mob's nightly kill, he is informed by the GM and can re-direct the kill to anyone else.

The Unforgiver
1. The Unforgiver's vote accumulate and increase by 1 as long as he votes for the same person each day (i.e. in day 1 he has 1 vote but in day 2 he has 2 votes as long as his vote is the same).
2. If the Unforgiver fails to vote, or votes for someone else, his votes reset to 1.

The Celebrity
1. The Celebrity can reveal himself at any point in the round via the GM. The GM makes the declaration public.

The Graverobber
1. Once per round, the Graverobber can dig up a dead player's grave and steal his/her role.

The Houdini:
1. If arrested by the CIA Agent, the Houdini will free himself automatically as well as anyone else that was arrested.
2. If kidnapped, the Houdini can escape from the Kidnapper (i.e. this counts as the Kidnapper freeing the hostage).

The Witch-Doctor:
1. The Witch-Doctor can sacrifice himself and die in order to bring a dead player back to life (who retains any roles he/she had).

The Faith Healer:
1. The Faith Healer can attempt to revive a dead player once each day.
2. The chance of success is (5 × number of dead players)%.

1. A townsperson has no special abilities. As a citizen, however, he/she is entitled to voting rights in town lynches.

Expansion Roles:

Note: Expansion roles require the corresponding expansion in the Expansions section to be in play.

Serial Killer:
1. The Serial Killer has to make a kill every other night.
2. For every successful kill, he will leave behind a note simply stating one character from his username or user number (i.e. When he PMs his kill, he also tells the GM the character from his username/number), which is revealed in the end-of-night summary post.
3. If the Serial Killer is 'cured' by the Psychologist, he becomes a Vigilante.
4. The Serial Killer appears as an innocent townsperson under any investigation.

1. The Psychologist can attempt to 'psychoanalyze' a player everyday.
2. If he psychoanalyzes the Serial Killer, the Psychologist becomes a Doctor.

Cult Leader:
1. Each night, the Cult Leader can recruit a player to his cult. The recruit is unaware of the Cult Leader's identity, but is informed of the recruitment by the GM.
2. At any night phase in the round, the Cult Leader can initiate a mass suicide wherein every cultist, including himself, dies. The Cult Leader wins if this action results in every remaining town member dying.
3. The Cult Leader appears as an innocent townsperson under any investigation.

1. Once per round, the Cupid can create a pair of lovers and, thus, force the Lovers expansion into play.

The Gossip:
1. Every day the Gossip can guess if a player is a lover by PMing the GM. If the player they investigate is a lover then the Gossip is told who that player's lover counterpart is as well.

The Bodysnatcher:
1. Upon investigation, the Bodysnatcher is revealed as a townsperson.
2. Every night, the Bodysnatcher can infest one other player, turning that player into an infested host. The Bodysnatcher learns the infested's role.
3. The Bodysnatcher has complete control over all background actions and role of any of its infested hosts, but has no control over public actions like voting.
4. The Bodysnatcher wins when every player is infested.

Infested Host:
1. An infested player is not revealed publicly to be infested; while alive, this detail is only known to the host and the Bodysnatcher. Infestation is revealed when a host dies.
2. The host retains his/her role, but role abilities are controlled by the Bodysnatcher. Voting rights, however, are still retained by the host.
3. The host returns to normal if the Bodysnatcher dies.


Note: For balance and everyone's sanity, expansions should be used conservatively with each other (e.g. if multiple mobs are in play, a Suicide Cult may or may not be necessary but also adding a Suicide Cult and a Bodysnatcher is overkill).

In the Siblings expansion, one of the townspeople and one of the Mafia members is aware of each others' role and affiliation. It's because they are siblings. The intention is for both of them to survive. If one of them dies, the other commits suicide the next night. The "Lovers" dynamic is basically the same except, instead of a mob/non-mob combination any two non-mob players are aware of each other. The Siblings/Lovers win if they both survive by the end of the round.

A non-mob player (except the Detective) can become "corrupt" and side with the Mafia at the GM's discretion. The Godfather is informed of the defection. The corrupted player's death is not necessary for the town win. A corrupted player is not allowed to switch back to the town, and the corrupted player cannot join the Mafia in "bad faith" (i.e. sabotage). Finally, a corrupted player shows up as 'Guilty' if investigated by the Detective.

The Smoking Gun
The "The Smoking Gun" role is given to a random player, role or not. After dying, they leave behind a note/diary saying anything they want through the GM during the following night phase. One potential use is the player revealing their "diary", indicating everything they know and everything they have done up to that point in the round.

Multiple Mafias
Instead of one mob in play, the town will be up against two. The 1/4th rule is retained for both mobs which, while technically making half the town mobsters, effectively splits the mob into two warring factions. The town wins if both mobs are eliminated. Either mob wins if they form a majority and the rival mob is eliminated. The GM has a lot of responsibility in making sure the round is balanced from a three tier perspective. As well, the Godfathers of both mobs do not choose their members, the GM assigns them when this expansion is in play.

Serial Killer & Psychologist Side-Story
This expansion allows use of both the Serial Killer and Psychologist roles, which are linked. The Serial Killer wins if he survives the round. The Psychologist wins if he cures the Serial Killer. To add to the mood and theme of the round, the GM is encouraged to give the Serial Killer a moniker (i.e. the Zodiac killer, or Clown killer, or "torso" killer) and relate his gruesome kills as such.

Suicide Cult
This expansion allows use of the Cult Leader role. The Cult Leader beings the round with no recruits. However, each night he is allowed to recruit players by PMing the GM. The recruits are unaware of who the Cult Leader is. And, at any time in the round, the Cult Leader can initiate a mass suicide where all the recruited cultists commit suicide. The Cult Leader wins if everyone in the town has been recruited to the cult and the mass suicide is initiated (i.e. everyone dies). The Cult Leader loses if he dies before the mass suicide occurs, or not everyone is recruited.

Bombs Away
This expansion slightly modifies the dynamics of the mob such that, instead of killing players each night, the Godfather's target is planted with a bomb. Targets are unaware of this fact. At any time in the round the Godfather can activate all the bombs and, therefore, kill his targets. However, if a detonation fails to give him victory, the Godfather will need to wait one day before planting bombs again. Finally, the bombs stay planted even if the Godfather dies; the control is inherited by his successor.

Secret Vote
In this expansion, all votes are done by PMing the GM. No one is aware of the official vote count or who voted for whom.

The Bodysnatchers
In this expansion, the round starts with a Bodysnatcher. The Bodysnatcher can infest others during the night phase and wins the game when all the surviving townspeople are infested. Infested townspeople are referred to as hosts and only retain voting rights; their roles are controlled by the Bodysnatcher. Infestation is lost if the Bodysnatcher dies.

Masquerade Mafia
In this expansion, the mafia is comprised of 1/3rd of the town; however, the mob members are unaware of each others identities. However, each turn, every mob member is allowed to send one message to the Godfather, via the GM, to help him uncover his teams' identities. The contents of the forwarded PMs are subject to the discretion of the GM and the GM reserves the right to censor "obvious" hints.

In this expansion, every role that uses their primary power 3 times is publicly revealed. One-shot roles are revealed immediately after using their power. For the mafia hit, this means that each mob member can only send in the kill twice before being revealed, including the Godfather.

In this expansion, all the players live in the same neighborhood. Each player is PMed the names of their 2 neighbors (i.e. if houses are arranged as A B C D E, B is PMed the names of A and C, and D is PMed the names of C and E). A player's neighbors are his allies, from at least the start of the round and possibly until the end. The mob members are interspersed into the neighborhood.

Personal Themes
The GM is encouraged to take roles/game elements and change their names to fit a certain theme (i.e. characters from an anime, or a video game, etc. and their respective villains as the mob) thereby assigning "aliases". Basically, this gives the round a cosmetic lift thereby making it more interesting.

GM/MVP Records:

For the complete GM/MVP records, please go here:


For the complete Fixes/Update records, please go here:

© Copyright, the Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Abridged Series Forum Community

06-13-2011, 06:47 PM

06-13-2011, 06:47 PM

06-13-2011, 06:48 PM

06-13-2011, 06:48 PM

06-13-2011, 06:48 PM

06-13-2011, 06:48 PM

06-13-2011, 06:49 PM

And with that, you can post now.

06-13-2011, 06:53 PM
first post :p

06-13-2011, 06:54 PM
*noogies Baku for her quick fingers*

Official sign up list:


sign ups can continue!

06-13-2011, 06:54 PM
Woo, transitioning from one thread to a new one is easier than I thought it would be.

06-13-2011, 06:55 PM
lol old thread got Locke'd.

06-13-2011, 06:56 PM
at least not deleted so can always go back and read through it if want to :)

06-13-2011, 06:58 PM
Alright, I'm going to go work on some of the updates.

Then, later, Zairak is going to send me the MVP list which I will add here.

And, then, the administrative stuff is done and M:TFG rounds can continue.

06-13-2011, 06:58 PM
nevermind, goldblum is one step ahead of me.

Ishikawa Oshro
06-13-2011, 07:04 PM
i sign up

06-13-2011, 07:10 PM
ooooooohhhh did I get post on first page, I feel special

overmind when is the bootlegger going to be added to the list of roles?

06-13-2011, 07:27 PM
yay the bootlegger is finally in the game, now we can all finally get drunk without those pesky kids ruining it

06-13-2011, 07:28 PM
hooray XD

06-13-2011, 07:55 PM
OK, I've moved the MVPs and most of the Fixes to the Social Group.

They are going to grow over time (which would turn the rules into a big wall of text ... unnecessarily more than now), so we'd might as well make the transition. Links are listed for reference.

06-13-2011, 09:05 PM
OK, updates have been applied, though, I'm still unsatisfied:

1) Witness Protection still needs a lot of work, so I've just left a placeholder for it. As such, for this coming round, we will need to play without it.

2) Kidnapper's description is clunky, but improved.

Otherwise, the Fixes have been updated, as per the link.

Phew, okay, all I have left is MVPs (which are not top priority, but we're working on them, don't fret).

As it is now, the GM can start the round when she feels we have enough players.

I will sign up, in the hopes that I will have a little time to play here and there over this week (but, not sure how active I will actually be, sorry).

Great, work done, feels like weight has been lifted from off my back.

06-13-2011, 09:11 PM
Also, 31 roles and counting (excluding Goon, Usurper and Townsperson, and expansion roles).

06-13-2011, 09:12 PM
woo new roles :D

too bad for mine, though

06-13-2011, 09:17 PM
Sign me up!

06-13-2011, 09:33 PM
The Smoking Gun
The "The Smoking Gun" role is given to a random player, role or not. After dying, they leave behind a note/diary saying anything they want through the GM during the following night phase. One potential use is the player revealing their "diary", indicating everything they know and everything they have done up to that point in the round. I find this makes me happy because I did that in the first round since its revival

06-13-2011, 09:46 PM
I sign up

06-13-2011, 09:50 PM
woo new roles :D

too bad for mine, though

I want to point out that I'm still going through suggestions and proposals.

The intention with updates was never to update "as much as possible" with each coming round. That's terribly difficult and changes too much in a short amount of time. There have been unforeseen consequences when we've added just one role. Plus, very rarely have we added a new role that has not required tweaking later.

On the flip side, we feel that if we add a few new updates per round, and spread updates from round to round, it maintains interest in the game while maintaining stability. It also provides more time to test new additions, and tweak them one by one. It'd be a nightmare to make a ton of new additions and then fix them all at once when things blow up. Slow and steady wins the race, after all.

So, to sum up, paced updates are better than large ones and I'm still wading through proposals.

06-13-2011, 09:56 PM
i wasn't being entirely serious, though i wish the mole had gotten more comments =/

06-13-2011, 10:00 PM
i wasn't being entirely serious, though i wish the mole had gotten more comments =/

I'll get to it, I'll get to it.

I'm so overworked :/

Any fine ladies wanna give me a back massage?

06-13-2011, 10:03 PM
i wasn't talking to you, it was to everyone

06-13-2011, 10:32 PM
MVPs updated, courtesy of Zairak; I just need to add the MVP for Round 1. I will do that this weekend.

We are now in Round 12 (not Round 11, as initially thought, because of our poor organization).

06-13-2011, 11:10 PM
I'll sign up

06-14-2011, 12:50 AM
i sign up
vote: underling [again] @_@

06-14-2011, 08:51 AM
Official sign up list:

17.Sajeev50 (i don't know why but this makes me super happy)

One more and I'm willing to start, though I'd really like 6 more.

Also I'll be trying a few of the new things out this round. ya'll hath been notified.

06-14-2011, 08:53 AM
I sign up.

06-14-2011, 01:16 PM
can we get one more sign up? *acts stupidly impatient*

06-14-2011, 01:19 PM
I sign up :thatface:

06-14-2011, 01:22 PM
I sign up :thatface:

well I see no issue here, this guy seems like a starling fellow and I only hope we can work well together :thatface:

06-14-2011, 01:23 PM
*head explodes*

06-14-2011, 01:28 PM
so, when someone real signs up *googies fared till he's bald* I'll start it.

06-14-2011, 01:28 PM
well I see no issue here, this guy seems like a starling fellow and I only hope we can work well together :thatface:

Maybe you can end up in the mob and he can be the Governor. Then, he can switch over to your side, allowing you two to have the time of your lives!

06-14-2011, 01:37 PM
Maybe you can end up in the mob and he can be the Governor. Then, he can switch over to your side, allowing you two to have the time of your lives!

That sounds uncannily familiar...yes, very familiar indeed....

06-14-2011, 01:39 PM
I sign up for theOcean.

06-14-2011, 01:41 PM
ty mystical!

Official sign up list:

17.Sajeev50 (i don't know why but this makes me super happy)
20. Mystical

sign ups over.

06-14-2011, 01:42 PM
Yay :D

06-14-2011, 01:47 PM
ok enough trolling kiddies. let us leave the past where it lies, in the past.

06-14-2011, 01:50 PM
ok enough trolling kiddies. let us leave the past where it lies, in the past.

why, its funny because its true :bearface:

Says the man who is with a different lady every other Tuesday...

In my defence the week that I went with 4 different woman, I told each one (well one of the each <<...whats the difference) that I wasn't interested in committed relationship >>
....PS you will find it often thursdays as have anime society on Tuesdays....

06-14-2011, 01:55 PM
yes, well truth or not, new thread, new world. understand? :-3

Also, only 4? *rimshot*

Also that googie was meant to be a noogie, as i have no idea what a googie even is.

06-14-2011, 01:57 PM
yes, well truth or not, new thread, new world. understand? :-3

Also, only 4? *rimshot*

Also that googie was meant to be a noogie, as i have no idea what a googie even is.

but I like kicking the old world for its oldness :smiley6:

:objection: what mean only 4 -_-.......like to see anyone else on this site beat that record in my defence, I'm not a bad person, I just do bad things, but least I'm not Stalin....:thatface:

I actually thought you meant google and were still just on the ket :wink:

06-14-2011, 01:59 PM
:objection: what mean only 4 -_-.......like to see anyone else on this site beat that record in my defence, I'm not a bad person, I just do bad things, but least I'm not Stalin....:thatface:

*smiles and waves*

In ye olden times, the ocean was a great big ho bag.

06-14-2011, 02:01 PM
*smiles and waves*

In ye olden times, the ocean was a great big ho bag.

your a woman, you don't count...... :squintyface: (literally being a female ho is easy as most men would have sex with flowers if they could handle the task o0... being male ho...now that takes skill because woman have standards...ish :8V:

oh and with that, the fared is to fared it up :thatface:

06-14-2011, 02:02 PM
Are we gonna start or...?

06-14-2011, 02:03 PM
I'm waiting on the godfather to get back to me with his picks, sorry for the wait.

06-14-2011, 02:03 PM
:thatface: looks for none godfathers before leaves :D

06-14-2011, 02:10 PM
I'm waiting on the godfather to get back to me with his picks, sorry for the wait.
Uhh sorry.

I pick bakurachick, Sally, Mystical, and... well, Fared is sort of a woman, so FatFared. Not Fat1Fared.

My harem is complete.

06-14-2011, 02:10 PM
lol They are all seductresses holy.

06-14-2011, 02:11 PM
@ HS:you forgot about feball :thatface:

06-14-2011, 02:32 PM
How does the OverThrower role work again? I'd like to make HS my bitch...

06-14-2011, 02:36 PM
During the Round, any one of the Mafia members can PM the GM, proclaiming their intent to become a tsun and badlove the Godfather. While loyal to the mafia itself, the OverThrower is power-hungry and wants to be the Godfather's Owner. If the OverThrower can somehow get the Godfather's booty, he becomes the new Godfather and can re-establish the hierarchy (i.e., second-in-command, etc.) The GM will then decide whether to validate the Mafia member becoming an Overthrower or not. What methods are acceptable to get the Godfather turned into a bitch should be discussed with the GM.

06-14-2011, 02:37 PM
o_0 lol

06-14-2011, 02:41 PM
I like it! I think I'll recommend it for the expansions. :P

06-14-2011, 02:44 PM
(grins maliciously)

06-14-2011, 02:45 PM
Yeah ... HS, you're forgetting that the GM is a woman, and that macho-shit ain't gonna fly this round.

06-14-2011, 02:59 PM
Yeah ... HS, you're forgetting that the GM is a woman, and that macho-shit ain't gonna fly this round.

But when gcar GMed the macho made things twice as likely to happen.

06-14-2011, 03:04 PM
Remember when we gagged and bound yamiangie?

No, wait.

Wrong forum game.

06-14-2011, 03:52 PM
@ HS:you forgot about feball :thatface:
You crazy? Under my leadership, she'd die immediately.

How does the OverThrower role work again? I'd like to make HS my bitch...
*Whips* Quiet, slave!

...On another note, I'd like to officially pm you, TheOcean, with my intent, as the godfather, to become the usurper, seeing as how the usurper still hasn't been fixed to say the godfather can't become the usurper.

06-14-2011, 04:40 PM
You crazy? Under my leadership, she'd die immediately.

Yay I get to live another day ... wait a minute your all going to mob me first like in Death Note *runs around paranoid*

06-14-2011, 04:46 PM
I vote Feball.

They're jealous of your beauty.

06-14-2011, 08:19 PM
You crazy? Under my leadership, she'd die immediately.

*Whips* Quiet, slave!

...On another note, I'd like to officially pm you, TheOcean, with my intent, as the godfather, to become the usurper, seeing as how the usurper still hasn't been fixed to say the godfather can't become the usurper.

lol you may if you want, and I'll mention the fix to OM

Also about to send out roles, so as Scar says, BE PREPARED!

06-14-2011, 08:21 PM

06-14-2011, 09:42 PM
lol you may if you want, and I'll mention the fix to OM

Also about to send out roles, so as Scar says, BE PREPARED!


06-14-2011, 09:56 PM
So, has this started?

06-14-2011, 09:57 PM
Not just yet, it will in the next few though, i'm typing up the intro now. OM and Zai are going to kill me.

06-14-2011, 10:06 PM
The town was riddled with crime, anyone walking down the street could see that. "Mother Goose" and her band of wary rhymes (mobsters) were causing choas in the City. The town couldn't take it anymore. No one should use childhood things to create evil and murder! ....Even if most nursery rhymes are morbid, dirty things.

Still, they came together. Surely the mafia would stick out like a sore thumb, with thier sexy suits and glinting hair! Alas, everyone seemed quite fashionable and/or greasy on the first day. How would they figure out who the villains of this fairy tale were?

Official sign up list:

17.Sajeev50 (i don't know why but this makes me super happy)
20. Mystical

Game Start! Day Phase Start!

Day Phase will end approx. 7 pm Mountain time tomorrow.

Important Notes: There is no Witness Protection at this time, but some other expansions are in play.

06-14-2011, 10:15 PM
Ooooo, what other expansion is in play?

Regardless, I'm going to Vote: Sajeev50 because it's so obvious TheOcean has made him the Godfather. Even see the player's list. It's fishy.

06-14-2011, 10:17 PM
For me to know and you to find out. ::3:

06-14-2011, 10:18 PM


06-14-2011, 10:18 PM
I vote OverMind because he's strangely being an aggressive player despite being supposedly busy with studying.

Or is it just that you're lying about midterms so you don't have to gm?

06-14-2011, 10:22 PM
Also I almost named the city the "city of make-believe" but I thought Mr. Rogers would roll over in his grave for that.

Vote Count:

Sajeev50: 1
OverMind: 1

06-14-2011, 10:23 PM

06-14-2011, 10:25 PM
oooooh, ninja'd by a body of water :p

06-14-2011, 10:25 PM
oooooh, ninja'd by a body of water :p
A beautiful body of water that will definitely let me do whatever I want if I keep kissing up.

06-14-2011, 10:26 PM
she edited after i posted :V

06-14-2011, 10:27 PM
lol True Baku.

*waits for Holy to get her some slaves to care for her feet*

06-14-2011, 10:27 PM
ow , theres no one with more votes no one close to death
i´ll wait for people to vote and help them to kill the one with more votes o-o

06-14-2011, 10:29 PM
animex, Sally, and Fenrir claim to be townspeople.

I don't believe TheOcean would employ this many townspeople, so at the very least, one is probably lying.

I think we might have our mafia members here.

06-14-2011, 10:30 PM
I'll vote Anibot then.

06-14-2011, 10:31 PM
I vote OverMind because he's strangely being an aggressive player despite being supposedly busy with studying.

Or is it just that you're lying about midterms so you don't have to gm?

Can't a guy take multiple, unnecessary breaks?

06-14-2011, 10:31 PM
Vote: animex75

06-14-2011, 10:34 PM
Can't a guy take multiple, unnecessary breaks?
You're still being more aggressive early-on than last round, which is a symbol of the mob.

06-14-2011, 10:37 PM

06-14-2011, 10:38 PM
i'll vote: animex as well

06-14-2011, 10:39 PM
animex is close to death @-@
vote: animex

06-14-2011, 10:44 PM
y'all are voting out an innocent, and results will prove it

06-14-2011, 10:46 PM
I vote Sajeev

Also, totally the godfather. Totally

06-14-2011, 10:46 PM

06-14-2011, 10:55 PM
y'all are voting out an innocent, and results will prove it

soon, your posts count will make the thread page weird o_õ lol
how much time since your first post?
[edit : also, soon your post count will be 666.666]

06-14-2011, 11:16 PM
Okies boys and girls The Kidnapper has kidnapped MrsSallyBakura leaving this note for her terrified parents to find.

make ani's votes go down to 0 by the end of the turn

Do as you will, except sally, she's being made into a lifetime movie atm.

06-14-2011, 11:18 PM

06-14-2011, 11:20 PM
Unvote Anibot.

If the kidnapper's being so obvious about it, we're obviously on the wrong track.

06-14-2011, 11:21 PM
Unvote Anibot.

If the kidnapper's being so obvious about it, we're obviously on the wrong track.

I agree with this.

06-14-2011, 11:22 PM

06-14-2011, 11:23 PM
The real question is, who calls Animex "Ani"?

06-14-2011, 11:23 PM
Everyone vote OverMind and Sajeev equally! Spread the wealth!

The real question is, who calls Animex "Ani"?

And doesn't use capital letters

06-14-2011, 11:24 PM
vote: sajeev
soon, your posts count will make the thread page weird o_õ lol
how much time since your first post?
[edit : also, soon your post count will be 666.666]
i joined in 2008, started posting January of 2009

06-14-2011, 11:24 PM

06-14-2011, 11:25 PM
The real question is, who calls Animex "Ani"?



Tough one

06-14-2011, 11:25 PM

06-14-2011, 11:27 PM
The real question is, who calls Animex "Ani"?

And doesn't use capital letters

Yeah, it's Bakurachick

06-14-2011, 11:28 PM
I say we keep voting for animex and ignore the kidnapper >:V

i hardly ever call him that. i usually say "animex"

06-14-2011, 11:30 PM
I say we keep voting for animex and ignore the kidnapper >:V

i hardly ever call him that. i usually say "animex"

Suuuuuuure. You definitely didn't call him "ani-kitty" recently

06-14-2011, 11:30 PM
We can meticulously examine animex's wall and isolate the players in this round who refer to him as 'ani'?

My convoluted strategy worked last round, after all.

06-14-2011, 11:31 PM
We can meticulously examine animex's wall and isolate the players in this round who refer to him as 'ani'?

My convoluted strategy worked last round, after all.

And cross reference that with players who lack capaital letter. Because that's what I did

06-14-2011, 11:32 PM
Suuuuuuure. You definitely didn't call him "ani-kitty" recently

its true i do call him that but if i was the kidnapper i would use proper wording not to be caught so easily.

06-14-2011, 11:34 PM
its true i do call him that but if i was the kidnapper i would use proper wording not to be caught so easily.
Going off on that, could it be that it's someone trying to throw you all off?

06-14-2011, 11:35 PM
Or maybe they just WANT us to think that they're trying to throw us all off while really they usually do call him ani. Oh dear, I've gone all cross-eyed.

06-14-2011, 11:36 PM
Going off on that, could it be that it's someone trying to throw you all off?

That is far too suspicious for it to be HS. So he's off the list

06-14-2011, 11:44 PM
My contact believes animex69 to be the kidnapper because of his experience at using the role in DNTFG. I'm not sure about this, since it seems tenuous, but what do you all think?

06-14-2011, 11:45 PM
i keep my "DEATH TO ANIMEX" o-o
he is the one with more votes.

06-14-2011, 11:45 PM
That seems too obvious. I also don't think he would refer to himself as ani. Could be a ploy to throw us off track. Maybe we should kill him to see?

06-14-2011, 11:45 PM
Since I have an avatar of a celebrity that plays a cop on TV, I feel that I'm the only one qualified to lead the town.

06-14-2011, 11:46 PM
I think 0mnislash is the kidnapper. :P

06-14-2011, 11:46 PM
wait !, so animex got self-kidnaped o_Õ?!

06-14-2011, 11:47 PM
animex isnt kidnapped. Sally is.

06-14-2011, 11:47 PM
I think 0mnislash is the kidnapper. :P

As per the rules, the kidnapped is not allowed to talk.

Since the rules were just changed, I want the GM to know that MrsSallyBakura was unaware of the change and you should give her some lenience in this case since we're all adjusting to rule changes.


(P.S. Sally, look at the rules regarding the Kidnapper, they have been updated after taking into consideration the mob's concerns from last round)

06-14-2011, 11:47 PM
hoho o-o overmind will lead the town?
lets pm

06-14-2011, 11:49 PM
Oh whoops, my bad. ^^;;

OK shutting up now. *zips mouth*

06-14-2011, 11:49 PM
Noted OM.

*evily smiles, because all GMs are EVILLLLLLLLLllllllllllllll*

06-14-2011, 11:51 PM
i've only been the kidnapper like once or twice, HS, i'm hardly experienced in it

06-15-2011, 12:09 AM
[edit ] this post does not exist, if you can read this, please go to a doctor.

06-15-2011, 12:16 AM
I need the Detective to PM me ASAP.


06-15-2011, 12:17 AM
The detective should PM me too. For funsies

06-15-2011, 12:17 AM
I don't mind leading the town, as I've stated before.

If possible, please PM me your role.

06-15-2011, 05:08 AM
I have been order....I mean asked...no wait right first time..ordered to vote sajeev

Ishikawa Oshro
06-15-2011, 07:28 AM

06-15-2011, 10:26 AM
Vote: HS ...'cause he's an ass...et :rageface:

06-15-2011, 10:46 AM
unvote sajeev

vote Animex75 puppet power engage now

06-15-2011, 10:56 AM
Well this is fun (Mafia, not having to go to cricket ¬_¬)

So Vote Animex

And let's go watch people play with a bat and a ball!..

06-15-2011, 10:58 AM

06-15-2011, 01:25 PM
I vote sajeev

06-15-2011, 01:57 PM
If we make it 5 for Sajeev, a kill is guaranteed today.

06-15-2011, 02:01 PM
If we make it 5 for Sajeev, a kill is guaranteed today.

Oh, did my recommendation for the Rabble Rouser get accepted while I wasn't participating in recoil?

06-15-2011, 02:02 PM
yuppers, go read up on the updates.

06-15-2011, 02:05 PM
Reading updates on my phone would be a pain, so maybe later.

Vote: sajeev50

06-15-2011, 02:15 PM

06-15-2011, 02:19 PM
cool, so rabble is in place we could get two kills now :)

though I would recommend saving that power for later date


ignore that, forgot about the edits :P

06-15-2011, 02:19 PM
Sajeev is innocent anyways.

06-15-2011, 02:22 PM
cool, so rabble is in place we could get two kills now :)

though I would recommend saving that power for later date


ignore that, forgot about the edits :P

Well it says the Rabble-Rouser only chooses 1 to die if there is a tie...so would both of them having over 5 but another having more than the other (Say 5 votes for one, 6 for the other), cause them both to die?

06-15-2011, 02:23 PM
if they get to choose then i suggest they choose animex.

06-15-2011, 02:24 PM
Well it says the Rabble-Rouser only chooses 1 to die if there is a tie...so would both of them having over 5 but another having more than the other (Say 5 votes for one, 6 for the other), cause them both to die?

yer i remembered that now, just forgot edited it o0, in all honesty I liked the role as use to be, but that just me
and I would have given it power to pick someone for two votes

06-15-2011, 02:27 PM
So there can be a mass killing then, or for this turn a double kill, yes?

06-15-2011, 02:46 PM
The Rabble-Rouser:
1. Everyday, the Rabble-Rouser can PM the GM to stir the town into a frenzy. Any player who receives 5 or more votes will be lynched at the end of the day phase (this is subject to the power of others however). If the Governor stops the lynch, only one player can be saved (i.e. chosen to be the one with the most votes by the GM, if the Governor does not name who he wants to save).
2. In cases of a tie vote, the Rabble-Rouser can decide who gets lynched.

Since I am into bloody rounds, I'm going to say that if there is a tie the RR gets to choose either one, or both, if they are feeling particularly murderous.

06-15-2011, 02:54 PM
Oh, did my recommendation for the Rabble Rouser get accepted while I wasn't participating in recoil?

Correct. And you were credited.

It was a good idea, what can I say.

06-15-2011, 02:55 PM

Since I am into bloody rounds, I'm going to say that if there is a tie the RR gets to choose either one, or both, if they are feeling particularly murderous.

Good idea.

Looks like I've overlooked that loophole.

The Rabble-Rouser is still not 'perfect' yet is it?

06-15-2011, 02:56 PM
Hooray! I care almost as much as that time I marginally cared about something! :V

06-15-2011, 02:58 PM
And, finally, to complete the triple post; I Unvote: Sajeev50 and I will Vote: HolyShadow.

If we can bring up the votes for HolyShadow, maybe we can take him out too (or maybe it's too late).

06-15-2011, 03:00 PM
lol Its a huge loophole, but its the way its written. If you all are feeling exceptionally sociopathic you all could kill everyone in the first round. So long as you get it done before the designated time....I will only count one person's vote per person though.

Of course, that all hinges on if there is a rabble rouser in play or not.

06-15-2011, 03:01 PM
cant kill everyone in first turn if girlscouts are in play cause they would have less votes.

06-15-2011, 03:02 PM
lol that is true, the girlscout could out live you all, if she's in the game.

06-15-2011, 03:06 PM
I never quite understood how the girl scout vote is supposed to work. Can someone explain please?

06-15-2011, 03:07 PM
Basically if 4 people vote the girlscout only 3 count, because she's so sweet and kind, like her cookies. >.>

06-15-2011, 03:08 PM
Oh, I get it.

06-15-2011, 03:09 PM
i may or may not be on at turn end tonight :D

06-15-2011, 03:11 PM
So if Ocean is taking the Rabble Rouser literally, technically the game could be won if absolutely no one voted and a Girl Scout were in play.

06-15-2011, 03:14 PM

edit: wait no. Cause the mafia = more people than just one girlscout at the end of the round. Mafia would still be able to succeed at their objective.

06-15-2011, 03:16 PM
But if everyone were to die except the girl scout, that would include the Mafia. The town would theoretically win with one person.

06-15-2011, 03:18 PM
Yes but I highly doubt the mafia is going to vote itself out, or kill themselves during the night phase. However if you had a hippy mafia, yes that is possible.

06-15-2011, 03:20 PM

06-15-2011, 03:23 PM
Yes but I highly doubt the mafia is going to vote itself out, or kill themselves during the night phase. However if you had a hippy mafia, yes that is possible.

So you instead say that anyone who starts off the vote is going to be instantly suspected and killed. :V

06-15-2011, 03:27 PM
lol worked for Grim when he was the jester.

06-15-2011, 03:27 PM
Loving this debate; ambiguities are great for stirring up discussion.

Whatever ambiguity exists with the Rabble Rouser role, I fully entrust TheOcean to make a well thought-out decision if the need arises.

In regards to the Girl Scout, the Girl Scout is the foil to the Big Bad Wolf (i.e. Fenrir's ideas, I think he was delving a bit into fairy tales with these ones).

The Girl Scout represents innocence, thus, allowing her to have a natural resistance to getting lynched. The added bonus is that the Girl Scout is an American icon and, if you haven't picked up on it by now, this game is very America-phillic (i.e. with the Governor, and the SS/NSA/CIA/FBI all being from America; notice how we do not have any roles originating from other countries). Hence, it doubles as a symbol in its own right and adds to the cultural context of the game.

The irony is that I'm Canadian and Fenrir is an Australian.

06-15-2011, 03:30 PM
Loving this debate; ambiguities are great for stirring up discussion.

Whatever ambiguity exists with the Rabble Rouser role, I fully entrust TheOcean to make a well thought-out decision if the need arises.

In regards to the Girl Scout, the Girl Scout is the foil to the Big Bad Wolf (i.e. Fenrir's ideas, I think he was delving a bit into fairy tales with these ones).

The Girl Scout represents innocence, thus, allowing her to have a natural resistance to getting lynched. The added bonus is that the Girl Scout is an American icon and, if you haven't picked up on it by now, this game is very America-phillic (i.e. with the Governor, and the SS/NSA/CIA/FBI all being from America; notice how we do not have any roles originating from other countries). Hence, it doubles as a symbol in its own right and adds to the cultural context of the game.

The irony is that I'm Canadian and Fenrir is an Australian.

New role idea: The RCMP

06-15-2011, 03:31 PM
Even funnier is whenever I, an american, think "Mafia" I always think foreign gangsters who moved to america to funnel their particular trade. (doesn't matter which kind, they're all mafia now, even if the originals were Italian)

06-15-2011, 03:35 PM
New role idea: The RCMP

The what?

06-15-2011, 03:37 PM
Royal Canadian Mounted Policeman.

06-15-2011, 03:38 PM
lol mounting the mountie....*snicker* I has 12 year old sense of humor.

06-15-2011, 03:39 PM
I'm just kidding. I totally knew who the RCMP are.

*shifty eyes shifty eyes*

RCMP Officer
1. Every day you get to wear a red suit with a funny, beige hat.
2. You have to do whatever your American counterparts tell you to do.

06-15-2011, 03:40 PM
lol I want a third part that directly relates to Dudley Dooright!

06-15-2011, 04:10 PM
Also, on a more serious note, if majority is reached or at least 6 of the 8 players that haven't voted yet vote I'll end the turn early cause I'm bored. (FLAKY GM NO JITSU!)

06-15-2011, 04:14 PM
I'll vote Holyshadow.

*flakes the flaky GM*

06-15-2011, 04:17 PM
guys please vote for animex.

06-15-2011, 04:18 PM

06-15-2011, 04:19 PM
who still has yet to vote?

06-15-2011, 04:20 PM
It will take me a few moments to tally that, give me a bit.

06-15-2011, 04:21 PM
Flaky croissant is best croissant.

06-15-2011, 04:26 PM
Vote: HolyShadow

I have no idea whats going on, but 3 kills with the Rabble Rouser is too good to pass up.

06-15-2011, 04:35 PM
It looks like:


If someone would double check this I'd greatly appreciate it.

current votes:


06-15-2011, 05:04 PM
vote animex

06-15-2011, 05:09 PM
Vote: Animex

06-15-2011, 05:11 PM
One more to go kids!

06-15-2011, 05:14 PM
Unvote OM.

Vote animex.

*Didn't check past few pages*

*Goes to check*

06-15-2011, 05:14 PM

06-15-2011, 05:39 PM
Well, may as well.


06-15-2011, 05:41 PM
majority reached...

day phase end

Ishikawa Oshro
06-15-2011, 06:20 PM
the rabble rouser may use his power every day.

06-15-2011, 06:26 PM
Anyway, waiting on a particular role to be able to put up results. If I don't get message back before the original time I'll make an rng choice on what I need. If anyone would like to vote till then, or use actions, feel free as my hands are tied.

Day phase back on for a while.

06-15-2011, 06:28 PM
Anyway, waiting on a particular role to be able to put up results. If I don't get message back before the original time I'll make an rng choice on what I need. If anyone would like to vote till then, or use actions, feel free as my hands are tied.

Day phase back on for a while.

*whistles non-chalantly* I totally didn't tie them up ::3:

06-15-2011, 06:29 PM
*hides the whips*

06-15-2011, 07:14 PM
Day Phase 1 Ended (only an hour early):

The Reporter Started the procedings with breaking news!

Three players claim to be the girl scout.

The town tried to figure out how to pick who to lynch, but after poking each other and the kidnapper stealing little MrsSallyBakura, finally one member said, "Duck duck goose! Its the only way to catch her!" So the town sat in a very large circle and the Rabble Rouser ran around them screaming "DUCK DUCK GOOSE!" Unfortunately for the town, the Rabble Rouser didn't know the rules of the game and smacked two people.

Animex75 and Sajeev50 Got up to be the Goose but ran into each other, knocking themselves out. The town was certain thier jumping up at the name of goose proved thier guilt, and thus Animex75 the Big Bad Wolf, and Sajeev50 the Reporter were lost to the gallows. At least no more piggies have to fear for thier homes, or do they?

DayPhase Summary:
Kidnapper Kidnapped MrsSallyBakura, insisted Animex's votes go to 0 by the end of the day phase. This was not met, MrsSally is still held under the same conditions.
Reporter reported the news
Rabble Rouser chose to kill both Animex75 and Sajeev50 for having had over 5 votes during the duration of the day phase.

Official sign up list:

9.animex75Big Bad Wolf DEAD
17.Sajeev50 Reporter DEAD
20. Mystical

Night-phase start, will end at 10 pm Mountain time.

06-15-2011, 07:16 PM
Dammit, Sajeev was the Reporter after all.

06-15-2011, 07:18 PM
Hmm...so there must have been some role tampering with votes if sajeev ended up with at least 5.

06-15-2011, 07:18 PM
And now that Animex is dead, I imagine his votes will be zero by the end of the day phase :thatface:

06-15-2011, 07:20 PM
Hmm...so there must have been some role tampering with votes if sajeev ended up with at least 5.

Nope, people unvoted him and voted other people.

His vote total still reached 5 at one point however, if people don't like that, we can discuss it in recoil.

06-15-2011, 07:20 PM
And now that Animex is dead, I imagine his votes will be zero by the end of the day phase :thatface:

My mind is blown!

06-15-2011, 07:25 PM
I'm just kidding. I totally knew who the RCMP are.

*shifty eyes shifty eyes*

RCMP Officer
1. Every day you get to wear a red suit with a funny, beige hat.
2. You have to do whatever your American counterparts tell you to do.

I tried to make the MI5 agent which for those that don't know, is the foreign devison of Ministry of Defence of realm in Britain <<....I like my idea for that role as well >>

though if taking mick:-

1=must never leave Britain and therefore effect this game
2=must forget top secret documents on trains
3=when die must be from sex with a bag <<

PS well least reporter is useless role but wolf is big blow o0

06-15-2011, 07:28 PM
hm so was wrong about animex :/

06-15-2011, 07:37 PM
hm so was wrong about animex :/

to be fair, like said in PM, did seem a rash and dare I say it desperate move to try so obviously to remove votes that way <<

06-15-2011, 07:57 PM
Also, on a more serious note, if majority is reached or at least 6 of the 8 players that haven't voted yet vote I'll end the turn early cause I'm bored. (FLAKY GM NO JITSU!)

JUTSU [hability] o-o [ jitsu = true fact ]

06-15-2011, 07:59 PM
JUTSU [hability] o-o [ jitsu = true fact ]

lol my misspelling then chaos, sorry for mangling your language! >.<

06-15-2011, 08:05 PM
hahaha XD theres no problem o-o

06-15-2011, 09:06 PM
told y'all that i was innocent

06-15-2011, 09:08 PM
wb to the world of computers ani.

06-15-2011, 09:10 PM

06-15-2011, 09:37 PM
Haha. Duck duck goose. That's rich

06-15-2011, 10:57 PM
Night Phase over:

Results soon.

Ishikawa Oshro
06-15-2011, 11:00 PM
who needs a night phase!
I say we all voe for the night phase next turn and hopefully eliminate it!

Thus eliminating any chance the mafers had of winning!

06-15-2011, 11:01 PM
That would be something, that's for sure lol.

06-15-2011, 11:37 PM
Night end 1
This was hard for me guys, it was my first full phase, so please go easy on my decisions. Note: Summary is a bit creepy....so I've put it under a spoiler.

The town gathered round the people they just killed, annoyed they hadn't found who they were looking for. "Hey, Sajeev Dropped something!" One of them said, picking up the reporter's notebook.

The Smoking Gun had left behind a goodbye note, incase of town frenzies.

Wow, you guys sure don't know how to welcome a new player. Enter this game with a "Let's hope I can contribute to the cause! :D" feeling only to have it crushed by a maniacal Rabble-Rouser.

Anyways in my time spent on this entire first turn of a game I'm playing for the first time, I've learned that there sure are a lot of townies for a game with so many roles. I mean, there's:
to name a few.

Either Ocean is a hardcore DNTFG veteran who feels everybody should be a townie cuz townies are teh awesum, or we have some liars and fiends in our midst.

I am just a lowly new Reporter, so take from that what you will. I have also observed that Overmind is a really cool guy. Like, really cool. The kind of guy who if you saw him on the other side of the street you'd wave to him and shout "'Sup!" Even if you didn't know him very well. He's just that cool.

And that's about it for me. Enjoy the rest of your traitorous mafia fairy tales.

Naughty Kidnapper Simon Says stole poor MrsSallyBakura. He told her to be quiet, or she'd meet a fate most foul. She made a few squeals at first, but just by accident. He laughed those off, but when she aplogized to him for it he grinned an evil grin. "Simon didn't say apologize, let me show you what happens when you don't follow the rules...." Sally was terribly tortured, to the point the evil creature thought her dead. The mafia talked a short ways away from her, and were surprised at her sudden cough of life.

The seductress whispered in Sally's ear. "Sally go round the sun, Sally go round the moon, Sally go round the chimney pots On a Saturday afternoon. The Big Bad wolf wasn't so bad, you really should have voted for who I asked." She pulled away and smiled, remembering full well Sally could not talk because Simon Didn't Say.

Sally the Survivalist was killed.

The Mother Goose Mafia went on with thier night, while the town listened to the Smoking Gun's last report. They danced in the moonlight singing thier rhymes:
Sing a song of sixpence,
A pocket full of rye;
Four and twenty blackbirds,
Baked in a pie.
When the pie was opened,
The birds began to sing;
Wasn’t that a dainty dish
To set before the king?
The King was in his counting house,
Counting out his money;
The Queen was in the parlor,
Eating bread and honey.
The maid was in the garden,
Hanging out the clothes,
When down came a blackbird
And pecked off her nose!
Don't you know, DarkArcher, the CIA Agent, surely died.

Smoking Gun Activated
Kidnapper "killed" Sally the survivor for talking in the thread (the second time)
Seductress finished Sally the survivor off for not changing her vote.
The Mafia killed Darkarcher the CIA Agent, for crimes against rhymes.

Official sign up list:

2.MrsSallyBakura Survivalist DEAD
4.darkarcher CIA Agent DEAD
9.animex75 Big Bad Wolf DEAD
17.Sajeev50 Reporter, Smoking Gun DEAD
20. Mystical

06-15-2011, 11:40 PM
my God, the mafia did NOT like sally :V

06-15-2011, 11:40 PM
They really didn't...

06-15-2011, 11:54 PM
oh I forgot.

Day Phase Start

06-15-2011, 11:54 PM
Jesus! That was awesome! I vote killshot. With a name like that, I'd make him/her a part of the mafia.

06-15-2011, 11:55 PM
These results made me think of this:


06-16-2011, 12:19 AM
Well, we're screwed.

06-16-2011, 12:23 AM
Also, Smoking Gun is awesome ... whoever it was ...

*shifty eyes*

06-16-2011, 12:27 AM
Also, Smoking Gun is awesome ... whoever it was ...

*shifty eyes*

Ah... the power of Mahogany.

06-16-2011, 12:38 AM
I just realized, it's only the end of Day 1 and about ~1/4th of the town is already dead.

06-16-2011, 12:39 AM
I just realized, it's only the end of Day 1 and about ~1/4th of the town is already dead.

members of justice , pm baku o-o

06-16-2011, 01:23 AM
i implore the town to vote Aster or Berober.

i will vote: aster

Ishikawa Oshro
06-16-2011, 01:33 AM

06-16-2011, 01:55 AM
Everyone the mail bomber has gotten to me.

I am going to die no matter what therefore i will warn you all.

the word is "yamichan" so please no one else say it or you will die.

I will be passing on all my info to a trusted player.

Good luck to the remaining players after this turn :)

Ishikawa Oshro
06-16-2011, 02:18 AM

I thought the word had to be said in the forums?
Do pm's count also?

06-16-2011, 02:19 AM
So what you're saying is that we shouldn't say y- whoops, nearly had me.

06-16-2011, 02:26 AM
Personally I would've made it candlejack, but that's beside the

06-16-2011, 02:27 AM

I thought the word had to be said in the forums?
Do pm's count also?

It does, except the recipient of the mail bomb will die if no one else does, bakurachick is picking up a cross...and then exploding.

PMs don't count.

06-16-2011, 02:28 AM
Personally I would've made it candlejack, but that's beside the

I had the exact same thought.

06-16-2011, 02:31 AM
So what you're saying is that we shouldn't say y- whoops, nearly had me.

fenrir someone has a warped sense of humour making her who must not be named the bomb o0

PS smoking guns still seems like to much of a reward to dead people to him

PSS not to rain on the mobs to sally bashing, actually that is exactly what I'm doing......o0 but technically the seductress is unusable in first turn because have to wait till night phase when no voting <<

PSSS I vote astergray

06-16-2011, 02:57 AM
I vote aster

06-16-2011, 02:58 AM
Well, everyone makes mistakes, and that tiny mistake went under my radar due to a lot of other stuff involving this particular turn. Sorry Sally, next time. :-\

Vote Count:

Aster: 4

Ishikawa Oshro
06-16-2011, 03:00 AM
I believe the kidnapper killed her anywho.

06-16-2011, 03:02 AM
She would have survived the kidnapping because she was the survivor. Wrong reasoning but still right on the ruling.

The mafia went to rather extreme measures to make sure she was dead, and after spending nearly two hours trying to make sure my ruling was right, I'm standing with it. With all the new roles, rule changes, and this being my first time running I honestly don't consider it that bad of a mistake.

06-16-2011, 03:03 AM
1. The Survivor can survive a lynching or a mob hit once, automatically. The town is not informed that the survival was due to the role, however.


06-16-2011, 03:04 AM
Think you missed it so vote: killshot

06-16-2011, 03:07 AM
Thank you Weird I did.

And Holy has another good point. It wasn't a lynch or a mob hit, so she'd still die like a townsperson.

Vote Count:

Aster: 4
Killshot: 1

Ishikawa Oshro
06-16-2011, 03:09 AM
We demand a re-do

06-16-2011, 03:09 AM
this round's mafia must not like me too much :V

06-16-2011, 03:12 AM
We demand a re-do

Nope, that's that, the way the world turns. In the end she would have died anyway and the seductress would have just been overkill anyway. So really don't worry about the seductress's part at all, and just feel bad for sally that the mafia went after her.

let me just say: mafia is scary this turn yo, I'm happy I'm not playing against them. :V

06-16-2011, 03:14 AM
ooh ooh i know the mob is anti DN TFG admins :D

think about it, they already killed Dark and Sally. and im next on their list :V
i'd watch out Fared :V