View Full Version : Toonami

05-27-2012, 10:27 AM
So Toonami was returned last night and I watched it. I don't know what I was expecting, but I wasn't really impressed. I thought they would play up the nostalgia factor pretty hard and make the between show time more interesting. Overall, it just didn't feel like Toonami.

At first, I didn't mind Tom using the word, "bitches." I thought that was kind of clever. Toonami belongs to an older generation of viewers and isn't something younger people can understand or appreciate. It makes sense that Tom would grow up with the audience. However, after seeing the violent nature of some of the shows, Tom doesn't really fit in here. This is adult swim with Tom's face on it, not Toonami. Something about that just doesn't seem right. Its like finding out one of your grade school teachers made a porno. Sure she was hot and you're certainly going to watch it, but it still feels wrong seeing something so out of context.

I have to hand it to Toonami for getting two shows that I have never even heard of let alone watched before. That said, I don't really have much interest in either of them. Deadman Wonderland has a good premise, but so far the only interesting character is the warden. Cashern Sins looks generic as all hell. The entire first episode goes by and I still don't know anything about the characters or why I should care about them. Robots punching other robots is not a good enough premise to hold a show together either. I still have hope for Deadman Wonderland, but I'll probably stop watching Cashern Sins if I don't like next week's episode.

I had intended to watch the whole thing, but the combination of Cashern Sins' lack of any engaging content combined with the fact I have never watched Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood so I didn't know what was happening made me too bored to stay awake any longer. Please let me know if I missed anything Toonami related.

So what did everyone else think of the revived Toonami?

05-27-2012, 03:22 PM
I liked it, but I'm a fan of everything that's on it other than Cashern, which I've not seen before now, and this version is apparently a gritty reboot of an 80s show, and well...Bleach. (Which i finally gave up on...so a former fan willing to watch it.)

I figure with no money for the budget, if those who were raised on toonami stay true to it, they'll get more and it will get better with time. I was not raised on it, I was already grown up when it came out, but it was what I skipped some classes for.

Its funny, toonami the midnight run led directly to the beginning of adult swim. That had multiple animes in it, and eventually AS has evolved to the point almost half of their shows are oddly enough live action. Now its come around full circle. I still remember those Saturday nights when I'd wait with annoyance for my sister to stop watching SNL so i could turn it to cartoon network, when she moved out TV was a whole new experience.

I dunno I guess the point of this is to say I think yours and my toonami nostalgia is completely different. While I greatly enjoy it, its not that big of a deal to me other than I get to watch 3 straight hours of anime I like.

05-27-2012, 07:33 PM
I loved it, as well as Deadman Wonderland. Personally I liked every character in that series. But That '80s Show was boring as hell.

Toonami was part of Cartoon Network. Now it's part of Adult Swim. Tom's grown up, and so should you. They play to a particular demographic, just like Tom used to. It's just that demographic is different because it's a different timeslot and handled by different people than normal Cartoon Network.

05-27-2012, 07:50 PM
I'm in agreement with HolyShadow.

I like the new older appeal of Toonami.

Deadman wonderland was a what the flying fuck, but it'll draw me back next week.

Cashern Sins kind of reminded me of a battle based watered down version of Ghost in the Shell. It better get better later on, but I won't turn it off, either. It'll probably be on as background noise when I am reading or screwing with the computer.

I also enjoyed the other usual AS anime that was mixed in to the Toonami goodness.
Last night was probably the first night I actually paid attention to a Bleach episode.
Harry snuggled with me while we watched FMAB, like he did when AS first aired it straight through. I was starting to get into Ghost in the Shell a little bit. Cowboy Bebop has been a staple of my anime enjoyment, for a long time.


I like it.

05-27-2012, 09:00 PM
I'm glad the current bleach arc is over. I still have no idea what the villain's motivation was. I made popcorn to sit down to watch Toonami and I was way more interested in the popcorn than anything happening in that episode.

Does anyone know why there was a rumor that Panty & Stocking was going to be aired on Toonami? I watched the show recently because people were raving about it and I have to say I cannot see that show ever being on American television. Violence is all well and good, but there is too much sex for American audiences. And that doesn't even factor in how much of the dialog would have to be censored.

I hate that I'm being cynical about this. Hopefully it will get better once they get a bigger budget. I guess I'm just disappointed they didn't do more with Tom now that he's back. I was pretty excited they brought back Home Movies to start off adult swim. Its a shame there is a boring wasteland of Family Guy/King of the Hill in between that and Boondocks though.

05-27-2012, 09:10 PM
They probably didn't do more with Tom because this relaunch of Toonami is very low budget. Toonami was brought back because the Fans wanted it, it's up to the fans to keep it alive.

Panty and Stocking can be brought to Toonami in their current timeslot but probably around the 2-3AM timeslot, even for American Audiences. AS used to run Perfect Hair Forever and FLCL right around that timeslot. Both of those shows are nothing but Perversion and Violence.

05-27-2012, 09:55 PM
i can't find the article right now, but yeah P&S is one of the shows majorly rumored to be on the show if they end up with more. $$$

05-28-2012, 12:28 AM

Deadman Wonderland is in the 2 am time slot

05-28-2012, 12:30 AM

Deadman Wonderland is in the 2 am time slot

12:30 slot if you're on the east coast of the US.

05-28-2012, 04:51 PM
Personally I watched Deadman Wonderland at 6:30 AM because I have two cartoon network channels, one a few hours behind the other. I caught the very last timeslot and went to bed early. booyah motherfuckers

05-29-2012, 04:09 PM
I'm in central time gcar

I wonder if I can get a different time for the recordings

Edit: I checked the season pass manager on my TIVO and I have the season pass set to record during the 11:30 time slot. The other time is 2:30 instead of 2:00 so...YAY!

Mikuru Beam
06-02-2012, 11:07 AM
My mom, brother and I like Cashern it was interesting we watched it about three years ago via netflix.

06-02-2012, 12:04 PM
I thought Tom was into techno.

07-01-2012, 12:14 AM
I feel it necessary to mention, that despite some minor resistance, Harry is now regularly watching Toonami along with me. I think he's fascinated with trying to figure out the WTFery of Deadman Wonderland, and as Meh as we are about Cashern Sins, we enjoy poking fun at the "gay robot" innuendos that randomly pop up in the series.

07-01-2012, 05:44 AM
I found that I was sad that Tom actually had to say basically "we're doing this for you, so stop your incessant whining you man children" tonight.