Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Abridged Series

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diamonddeath 05-12-2008 10:48 PM

This is the official thread where the fans of YGOTAS can input ideas for LittleKuriboh to refer to, that is, if he chooses to or not. Still, it makes a great place to input ideas for us to speculate what the series has in store for us. For example:

My idea is that, since there is a Yu-Gi-Oh! The Other Abridged Movie based on the movie from Season 0, I believe that, once YGOTAS is finished, LK should make a Yu-Gi-Oh! The Other Abridged Series. It would make a catchy title for a prequel series. It would probably end up being a prequel that references to the original, seeing as how it would come out after YGOTAS would finish.

Another idea would be to make an abridged version of Yu-Gi-Oh! GX and eventually Yu-Gi-Oh! 5d's. Seeing as how they were already referenced, it would be really funny to see them as actual parodies by LK. They would most likely have different names, like GX, which might become DMX (as referenced to in an episode). In fact, from what we know, according to YGOTAS, GX/DMX is actually a future gone horribly wrong, so, perhaps its name would be Yu-Gi-Oh! GX: Alternate Future, or maybe the GX would be changed to DMX.

So, does anyone have any other suggestions for LittleKuriboh or speculations in general?


New idea: Well, this is more like an addition to one of the ones I already posted, but I was thinking that, if a GX parody were ever to be made, I was thinking that the opening would/should probably be the quick preview that we saw in YGOTAS (not the one from the movie, but the one from the episode).

araharu 05-13-2008 03:51 PM

<span style='color:CCCC10;'>Post here if you have a new idea/suggestion pertaining to the YGOTAS series. All other new "idea" related threads made after this will be deleted/locked.</span>

sethsdl999 05-14-2008 07:45 AM

Hair guy for Merick's Evil Coucil of Doom.

Magus 05-15-2008 08:06 PM

Falcon Punch reference for Obelisk.

diamonddeath 05-15-2008 10:31 PM

I would also like to see a Naruto "Kage Bunshin no Jutsu / Shadow Clone Jutsu" reference when Yami activates Multiply on Kuriboh.

Another one is the Pokemon evolution theme from the Pokemon Gameboy games when Kuriboh turns into Kuribabylon. It would be awesome if Yami or the opponent said something along the lines of "What's this? Your Kuriboh is evolving?", and then have the theme kick in, ending with the little musical jingle and "Congratuations, your Kuriboh evolved into Kuribabylon!" That would be awesome! Any thoughts?


Here's another idea for you! How about a crossover? It can be a miniseries, an episode, or perhaps just a quick joke. A good examply of a quick joke would be LittleKuriboh's YGOTAS appearance in the first episode of Masakox's and Vegeta(I forget the numbers)'s Naruto: the Abridged series. A good example of an episode would be Angry Video Game Nerd and Captain S. The crossover can be expanded into a whole episode or a whole spin off miniseries. Note that it doesn't have to be another abridged series crossover, but it can be anything like a video game, an anime, a cartoon, a movie, or fan made series / popular online series such as Super Mario Bros Z, Bowser's Kingdom, Angry Video Game Nerd, Captain S, etc.

Blaydrix 05-17-2008 08:06 PM

He has already stated that he would love to abridge the original series, but he cannot find raw versions of the episodes (neither can I, I've looked everywhere)

And he also said he would not abridge GX. I assume that also goes for 5D's.

@diamonddeath: the kuriboh evolving thing would be funny. but LK has said he very rarely takes fan suggestions.

GreyFox 05-18-2008 12:34 PM

Dual with Arkana
"....Look at my face"
"Oh come on, how bad can it really-"
*removes mask*
"Holy motha****ing french **** on a sandwich with dutch **** ontop"

Dual win Rare Hunter
"yugi, I can't believe it. You won my Red eyes back, your such a good friend."
"**** you joey, I'm keeping it"

"I summon, Mr Happy! (Alpha the magnet)"

*reads post*
conclusion, things really do sound funnier in your head...... <img src='/images/emoticons/smiley6.png'>

diamonddeath 05-20-2008 03:17 PM

Well, I got a few episodes of the original series with subtitles, but I lost them anyway.

As for GX and 5D's, perhaps I can take over for LK. I can do the voices that LK can, but I still think LK parodies things funnier anyway. Maybe him and I can do a collaborative project when he reaches them, or perhaps even before then. If I do most of it, I would still like it if he did the voices of the returning characters, like Yugi (in the first episode), Pegasus, Kaiba, Yugi's Grandpa, etc. (Is that all?). He can give me some tips here and there, but I think that as long as LK is involved in some way, whether it's cameos or the whole thing, then it would still be amazing. What do you guys think?

ReloadPsi 05-20-2008 08:30 PM

That sample Arcana dialogue is actually quite brilliant. It's just too bad that LittleKuriboh probably won't wanna use anything placed in a "suggestions" thread... :(

diamonddeath 05-20-2008 09:27 PM

Well, that's not to say that he doesn't take a look through it at all. In fact, I came up with a good idea for Yu-Gi-Oh! DMX (Duel Monsters Next), which is obviously a parody of Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, and I sent it to LittleKuriboh via PM. Since he has no plans of a GX parody, I already have it set up in my iMovie and ready to go. I would, however, want to collaborate on it with LittleKuriboh as I need him to do the voices of the cameo appearances as well as the recurring duel spirit from the card Yugi gives to Jaden, LittleKuriboh (changed from Winged Kuriboh). I hope he is willing to help out. <img src='/images/emoticons/smiley1.png'>

Hopefully, if the series becomes good enough, since LittleKuriboh would be in it, it could be put up on this site. Even more hopefully, he would participate in the project even more so than just voices.

kingdomneos 05-23-2008 12:33 PM

Kaiba : I want my own show with dragons
Yugi : you kave its called kaiba (except the dragon part)
Kaiba: wat?
Yugi: look here *shows kaiba the computer with this link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzRqIswQbUE&feature=related *
Kaiba: .... WTFH!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??! WHO MADE THIS AM SUEING THEM FOR THIS!!!!!!!!!!!

GreyFox 05-23-2008 01:46 PM

Dual with Ecoda (That Psychic guy)
Joey: He can read my mind! How am I surposed to beat this guy.
Tea: Plug your controller into the second port Joey!

MrsSallyBakura 05-23-2008 03:05 PM

In episode 85 of the original series Tristan and Duke are at the top of the blimp looking for the Millennium Ring when they get into a fight over Serenity. The 4Kids version cut the fight scene so it just shows Tristan running to Duke and both of them end up all the way on the other end of the blimp falling over the edge. He could make some joke from that.
That's also the episode where Shadi comes back. =D

xMarsha 05-24-2008 03:27 PM

I'm voting for a 'Shoop da whoop' Blue Eyes White Dragon :D!

MrsSallyBakura 05-24-2008 11:54 PM

He already did that with Exodia. I doubt he'll do it again.

Mattokenzi 05-25-2008 12:23 PM

I have 2 ideas:
Joey Vs Johnson
(Turnabout YGOTAS)
Pheonix Wright Music and SFX etc

Raphael saying more then... "Zug Zug"
He should say like...
"Strength and Honour" (yes I put a U there as a force of habbit like colour and armour)
"Blood and Thunder"
"For the Horde"
"Rapheal Smash"
"I will crush and destroy and... ohhh SHINY"
and all those Orc Quotes from World of Warcraft.

Kaysakado 05-25-2008 02:04 PM


He has already stated that he would love to abridge the original series, but he cannot find raw versions of the episodes (neither can I, I've looked everywhere)
Then how did he abridge the Season Zero movie?

NickStevens 05-25-2008 03:43 PM

He should put the hair guy in the next Mariks Evil Council of Doom. You know, the guy that always starts his sentances with "attention duelists!" I havnt seen him for a while.

MrsSallyBakura 05-25-2008 06:06 PM

It's probably the only thing he found that wasn't subbed.

Ok so I was bored last night and predicted what every episode will be consist of and how many more episodes will be in season 2. My predictions are based on how he abridges the episodes.

Season 2 will last until episode 45. =D

Kaysakado 05-26-2008 04:04 PM

Do you mean the 45th episode in TAS will be the end of Season 2, or the 45th episode in the actual series?

MrsSallyBakura 05-26-2008 04:55 PM

The first one.
In the actual series, he just finished episode 57 or 58.
That's how much he's abridging it.

Miaharpy 05-29-2008 04:31 PM

Well... I have a idea if LittleKuriboh is going to keep Mokuba as "Japanese puberty" XD. (After Yugi gets the Red Eyes Black Dragon)

Mokuba: Pika!
Yami Yugi/Pharoh: Treecko Treecko?
Everone: What?
Yami Yugi: Sorry, did I forget to mention I can speak Pokemon?
Joey: Yeah, you thief. What did you say?
Yami Yugi: Shut up Joey... I mean Mokuba.

(If you don't get it, Dan Green does voices for Treecko, Mewtwo (Mewtwo stikes back), Lugia (The 2nd Movie), Entei (3rd movie) and more)

MrsSallyBakura 05-30-2008 12:23 AM

I dunno if Mokuba should go through Japanese puberty beyond episode 28, but Yugi could go through it instead... unless of course he's just tired of that joke period, which would make sense.

In general I just want to see more fresh jokes. And the episode where Bakura duels Zombie Boy. It's one of my favorites in the Japanese so I'd love to see it get made fun of to high heaven. xD

SpectrumWarriorB 05-30-2008 05:42 PM

I'm wondering what would happen in Duel between Yugi & Strings (possessed by Marik)...

*Imagines said duel if it is done in the Abridged Series*
(Upon Marik's summoning of Slifer the Executive Producer)
Yugi: Wait a minute, Did you just sacrifice a Spell card & 3 tokens to summon a monster?
Marik: Yeah! So?
Yugi: That's against the rules, isn't it?
*Ends Imagining*

Huh. Well, That was just weird. I should probably cut down on the games.

agentgamma 06-01-2008 01:12 AM

have zombie boy say i want to suck your blood xD <img src='/images/emoticons/smiley2.png'>

or have jaden appear in a special based off last episode of gx dueling against yugi and crying like a baby xD <img src='/images/emoticons/smiley2.png'>

or have a new character act like avgn

MrsSallyBakura 06-01-2008 02:08 PM


have zombie boy say i want to suck your blood xD
But... but... but... then he wouldn't be Zombie Boy anymore! D:
He'd be Vampire Boy. And vampires are much sexier than he is.

Kaysakado 06-01-2008 05:50 PM

I remember there was one duel between Yugi and Marik that Kaiba was watching, but I'm not sure if it was that one. But anyways, if it was, then after Marik's "eff the rules [etc.]," Kaiba could say something witty about how he stole the line from him.

Miaharpy 06-01-2008 09:16 PM

I have a idea during the duel between Yugi and Joey. This is for during and after that duel.

Kaiba: *Presses button on jacket* Get a copter and crash it into crane next to me. Also bring some pizza.
On other side of line: I'm sorry master Kaiba, but the ovens aren't working.
Kaiba: Then get the pizza from Pizza Hut then! And make sure they 'don't' have anchovies!
On other side of line: Yes sir!

*After Duel*

Kaiba: I thought I told you to crash the copter into the crane!
other guy: I'm sorry, but here's your pizza.
Kaiba: Thanks.... Hey! There's anchovies on this pizza! You're so fired! And the person who made this pizza is also fired!
other guy: But it was a manager!
Kaiba: Well that's to bad isn't it?

MrsSallyBakura 06-01-2008 09:38 PM

Hahaha. That's cute.

That reminds of the time when Kaiba throws his Blue-Eyes at the guy in the crane and it digs through his hand, causing him to go into chaos and destroy the crane or something... it was hilarious, no doubt. Would make a great joke in TAS.

I also can't wait until the third season when Yami and Kuriboh use a rainbow card to win. Kuriboh goes all technicolor and it just reminds me of a Skittles commercial. =D

SpectrumWarriorB 06-01-2008 10:27 PM

The Yugi Vs. Marik duel you we're thinking of that Kaiba watched is that of the Battle City Finals. The Yugi Vs. Marik duel I'm Imagining is when Marik is possessing Strings. At the time Slifer is summoned, Kaiba isn't here until Slifer "fires" Dark Magician Girl. *EDIT* Although, he could skip that and have Yugi fall to his knees, wondering why this part is so familiar, having Kaiba say "First things first; One: It's supposed to be 'Screw the Rules, I Have Money'. And Two: Only I get to say that." and having Yugi think "Now I remember, That has been spoofed from the Pilot"

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