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Old 01-09-2012
Sevenstrike_Hero's Avatar
Sevenstrike_Hero Sevenstrike_Hero is offline
Gender: IT'S A TRAP!
Location: Lurkin'. Its good for my skin tone.
Blurb: HURR HURR DURR Blurp...
Posts: 21

I actually was dissapointed with this movie.....mainly for the same reason everyone has mentioned. It was HORRIBLY short. One, I hate short movies. I dont care if the movie is 2 1/2 hours long.......if it is an EPICALLY AWESOME Ride, I will enjoy EVERY minute of it.

I wanted to see more Time traveling, more backstory, and well, really, just more sense.

Paradox didnt have hardly a backstory worth even wasting time on making a movie about. It felt as though the writers soooo desperately wanted to throw something together for the 10th anniversary of Yu-Gi-Oh! that they didnt care what they put in it. All we know is that Paradox came from a Post apocalyptic future where some-freakin'-how, Duel Monsters apparently destroyed the world alot more than World War 5 fought with only Hydrogen Bombs.
His reasoning was half baked and his methods of going about it were less than intelligent. It was so half done, I thought it was purposely done that way and I was expecting the other half of his reasonings and story to come out at some point in the movie, even after he apparently died.

Everything was rushed, thrown together, and spat out for long time fans to gobble up as "The Yu-Gi-Oh! movie of movies." I am not trying to hate or anything but I SERIOUSLY had HIGH HOPES for this movie. I had even wanted to plan a trip for my club to go see it at the closest theater to our campus. The only theater that was nearest to us that had it was in another city.

Man. If everything would have went as planned and we got there just to see that.....I would instead be pissed right now.


I really just wanted to see one helluva awesome ride from this movie guys. I mean, come on, the three main protagonists together in one epic adventure? This was supposed to be "THE" movie of Yu-Gi-Oh! Even now I still romanticize over the fact that the three kings of games pool in their power to take down evil.

I SOOOOOOOOOO wanted more from this.
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