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Old 12-13-2015
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YG117 YG117 is offline
Gender: Male
Location: with [^_^]
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Dear Ocean Claus,
My faith in you has dwindled over the past 24 years as I have yet to receive a salty surprise from you beneath my Christmas Tree. However some faith remains as I have hopes that you may take time to read my letter.

I am writing because I have taken a peek at Rebbie's letter, and while his list is quite impressive, I noticed he asked for one item in particular that...he just cannot have.


Rebbie cannot have [^_^].

[^_^] is mine.

I wanted to clarify and make sure you know and understand that [^_^] is not to be gifted to Rebbie under any circumstances. Of course, despite the nature of my letter, please understand that I am not heartless and ask that you replace Rebbie's requested gift of [^_^] with a spiked dildo instead. I'm sure he will enjoy it.

As for myself, I have been very good this year (albeit annoyed with the forum as this is the second time I am writing this letter as my first did not go through because I wasn't logged in. Pity.) I have made sure to eat my vegetables as well as remembered to feed the sex slaves living within my harem (though I have forgotten in past years, I have since come a long way ;) .)

I ask for nothing but what I have requested above. In return, I offer you seaweed, the occasional lost pair of sunglasses, and cruise vessels for your snackage and enjoyment.

Because I am moving to a new town on Tuesday, my drawing tablet is packed away. I leave you with, instead, an antique painting of [^_^] drawn by myself many moons ago, and now recently modified to fit the festiveness of the season.

Yours truly,

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