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Old 07-17-2007
Chey Chey is offline
Posts: 17

Mwaha...if even most of these ideas are created I know where all my spending money will be going...>3

Anyhoo, ideas:
I second all the "super special awesome!" "...IN AMERICA" "I can do whatever I want because I'm voiced by DAN GREEN!" and pretty much any of the "classic" quotes.
"Of course I'm a fucking god."
Something with Mako's thing about, "I love you, Ocean...the ocean says I love you too." (I know that isn't the right quote, but you know what I mean.) would also be highly amusing.

And I think all of the designs should be in both guys AND girls' shirts. Like right now with the three they have, I want the screw the rules one, and I have no problem wearing guys' clothes, but it'd be nice if each gender got all the designs.
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