Thread: WORST TV shows
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Old 02-08-2011
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TheOcean TheOcean is offline
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I am impressed you went through every genre you could think of. I even agree with several of them.

HOWEVER! I must disagree with a few of them good sir!

Xena: Warrior Princess
Lucy Lawlas makes a fantastic performance of playing a man who is playing a woman in middle ages. Xena: Warrior Drag Queen is the same beat out Hercules story, just not always with the benefit of Captain Hunt with a long sword.
1. Lucy Lawless can wrap her very womanly thighs around me any time she wants. She is one of the hottest people to ever be on tv.
2. Xena was actually very different from Hercules, Hercules had a definate time period, and almost exclusively kept to "greek" mythos. Xena was literally ageless, went through many different cultures, and did not take itself too seriously. To this day its one of my favorite shows.


One Piece
I can't stretch (get it?) enough to say how much I hate this series. It's based off of a stupid concept, with stupid characters, stupid dialogue, stupid animation, stupid editing... God this show is fucking stupid!
I'd argue this, but when the counter argument is "this is stupid" there isn't much to say other than, "No its not." Then we just butt heads and yeah.

If I had to go for stupidest anime ever I'd go for something with absolutely no worth. (One piece does have worth imo.)

Also: Worst tv show in my opinion is Ghost Hunters. There is no point to watching people stand around in the dark for an hour whispering. Srsly

Last edited by TheOcean; 02-08-2011 at 02:29 AM. Reason: stupid brackets.
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