Thread: Sentences
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Old 09-08-2010
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Default Sentences

This is a fun game that I like to play with my writing group.

Someone selects a series of 6 random letters (oihwre, for instance) and a theme off the top of their head (puddles, for instance). Then people have to make a sentence in which each word starts with the next letter in the sequence and which follows the theme. Phrases or fragments are ok too, if a complete sentence doesn't work.

EX. O.I.H.W.R.E. with the theme of "puddles"

The sentence I have come up with is:
"Only iridescence hides within rippling ether."

And now it's your turn!

I'll start with the same letters and theme as in the example - O.I.H.W.R.E. and "puddles."


Edit: every fifth person will use the last letter of each word in the previous post and come up with a new theme. State the new letters and theme along with the sentence.

also, try to only use the letters given without adding other letters in between. =)

Last edited by musigal; 09-09-2010 at 11:44 PM.
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