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Old 03-13-2013
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grimfang999 grimfang999 is offline
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[*]1. A religion is something you believe in. If you are an atheist, you believe in atheism. Being an atheist, you don't believe in Christianity, Buddhism, ect.
By that logic birth control is a religion. Religion implies the worship of something, and I sure as hell dont worship condoms.
[*]2. Atheism, also known as Secular Humanism, is all based on the individual.
This means that you and only you are the one who decides what is right or wrong.
Your ideals are your truths.
You have the right to do whatever you think is right.
Nobody else can tell you what is right or wrong.
Your instincts tell you what is right or wrong.
That other guy's instincts tell him what is right or wrong for him.
Truth is relative.
Your moral comes from your and only your instincts.
If someone has a bad moral, it is because he or she has been badly influenced by his or her environment, and any wrong acts are not the individual's fault. "A person raised to be a thief will steal. A person raised to fight may kill."
In atheism, you are the only being in the world that you answer to. By bettering your self, you become greater in mind and social status in the world.
Incorrect. May I state that communism is extremely anti-religion in many of its forms. Ignoring "real" communism (aka the fascist regimes which took place in Russia, Cuba, China, etc), most of these are about the collective.

MORAL truth is relative, yes. But again you are redifining instincts. Humans typically share similar reflexive instincts, and if this is the case, there is ultimately some truth in action outside of moral, which forms from cultural and social norms. The extent however depends on your view of huma nature, which varies fro ideology to ideology.

However, some aspects can be seen throughout humanity: most notably unless you are outright rejected already or have mental psychosis, you will not harm another member of your community without due reason. Likewise, we are a social species, which struggle to live a completely isolated life, and thereby we are a collective species. what makes us individualistic is, interestingly nough, social and cultural virtues.

Therefore, only some human truth is moral truth, and being an Atheist does not mean you are an individualist.
[*]4. But because you choose to reject anything that society calls "god", you are accepting no other being as higher in importance than yourself.
Define importance, because in todays society we do accept authority, and authority implies importance. You could mean we put ourselves in priority, but is that always the case? Some people are willing to sacrifice their own pleasures or even their own lives to protect the ones they care about, therefore you do percieve some beings as higher than yourself, but that does not make them "Gods".

[*]5. Anyway, atheism has already been declared a religion by the Supreme Court and by several major atheistic leaders.
Could you source this? As far as I would gather they would be provided the same rights as a religious group.

In terms of defining religion, I will say no more. The argument is for the most part inconsequencial.
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