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Old 03-17-2013
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ShizukaMikudou ShizukaMikudou is offline
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Originally Posted by RebornZombie View Post
That article says that atheism in America has risen over a very long period of time, but there are hundreds of articles, surveys, and videos that say that Atheism is on the decline c:

Studies and surveys have shown that the biggest reasons for atheism's decline world wide is due to science revealing the impossibilities and fallacies of the atheistic beliefs.

“Atheism is so senseless. When I look at the solar system. I see the earth at the right distance from the sun to receive the proper amounts of heat and light. This did not happen by chance."
–Sir Isaac Newton

As the article, Science, ‘frauds’ trigger a decline in atheism says, atheism has been "losing its scientific underpinnings." Also quoting the article, "The Rev. Paul M. Zulehner, dean of Vienna University’s divinity school and one of the world’s most distinguished sociologists of religion, said atheists in Europe have become “an infinitesimally small group.”"

The most prestigious scientists have turned their backs on atheism, saying that atheism is scientifically impossible.

The article, New Atheists in decline says about most of the new atheists causing the rise in America, "From the start, the tone of these anti-religious polemics suggested weakness rather than strength. New Atheism is best understood as a response to the persistence of faith, not its decline." and "In the 1970s and '80s, many atheists assumed that the intellectual case against theism had been won decisively. They assumed that the wider culture would soon catch up, and religion be relegated to a purely private domain for a dwindling minority of followers.
The reality has been very different. Since 1990, the profile of faith in public life has grown, not diminished."

The article, ATHEISM IN DECLINE", says that although the media gets overly excited and rashly posts articles with headlines like "Religion is in decline", however, from a global perspective, the stats are quite different, "The year just ended saw a rash of news articles predicting religion’s extinction. Headlines declared “Researchers predict the End of Religion” (Forbes), “Physics predicts end of religion” (BBC) and “Canadians losing faith as religion faces extinction” (Montreal Gazette). Glancing at these banners it’s easy to get the impression that atheism (the belief there is no God) and agnosticism (those who “don’t know” if there is a God) are growing by leaps and bounds. It might also seem that the belief in God—a central tenet of the Christian faith—is in terminal decline, heading towards inevitable extinction. However, from a global perspective, nothing could be further from the truth. Globally atheism & agnosticism are in decline; the Christian faith is vibrant & growing at a healthy rate."

Also see Atheism on the decline world-wide study shows, Epic Christian vs Atheist debate best ever, and in fact you can go and see hundreds of evidence for atheistic fraud in science and logic with many great debates at SHOCKAWENOW to see debates like Evolutionist loses debate to Creationist, and this is a really great debate here, The epic failure of atheism, Woman in audience destroys atheism with one question, How Science helped me choose Christianity and leave atheism, Atheism vs Christianity debate "Does God exist?", † Why I left the foolishness & stupidity of atheism, and Atheism declining worldwide "The thrill is gone".

There are hundreds of thousands of references, and plenty of things to research, and I have read from Christian, Atheistic, New Age, and Marxist-Lenenist articles everywhere, and am absolutely confident in my Christian beliefs. You can do all the research you can, and I encourage research in the subjects you want to know about, too. Research, studying, and inquiring can only help. ^^ Although I'd say that within the last two posts, the topic of this thread has shifted, it also may seem that the original topic has faded, and in my opinion, untill someone else would like to speak up, I have refuted every single argument completely, and this debate is over. xD Thanks to everyone for their participation~!

Last edited by ShizukaMikudou; 03-17-2013 at 02:33 PM. Reason: Spellcheck.
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