Thread: Taxes
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Old 07-24-2013
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Originally Posted by gcar90 View Post
[ Can I just go off topic for a second and say, holy crap, who would have thunk an actual tax question in a thread about taxes? I'm almost a little impressed my screwy little brain came up with something like that. ]

Anyways... yeah, it's an interesting scenario and random thought just for the thread.
Simple curiosity thing, nothing more.
I wanted to know, about a really weird and unique situation.

I was implying, by the scenario that Joe Schmoe donated the vehicle the same day it was bestowed upon him. If that helps matters.
It would change the specifics, but not the process - remember, cars deprecate in value the second they leave the garage (place they were sold first-hand).

Even if it never actually moved during the process, the fact he is selling it second-hand means it now has a different value and, as such, its taxable amount is different.
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