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Old 05-10-2009
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maisetofan maisetofan is offline
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well there is sexism and then there is chauvinism, i mean as charming as your friend sounds :/ i think if he talks about sex a lot and refers to a girl as needing to get laid its not really that bad if he means it as a joke, i mean heck being lusted after is in some ways an affirmation, a little uncomfortable if one goes too far, whether male or female but the odd whistling and toot of a horn is very affirming to a lot of girls, my cousin loves it when a guy whistles or comments on her nice ass or whatever.

I could be wrong but i do not see that as actual sexism, i mean comments make you feel attractive but when one talks about a woman or a person of ethnic race in a way that makes them sound they are of weakness or second rate status then that offends me.

if he rants on about how men are girly if they show their emotions, grow their hair, help out around the house then yeah il be pissed off cuz why should a man also not be free to show off his more feminine side if he has one instead of pretending it does not exist, then again i love the sensitive guys who dream alot and write and tend to be artsy and of whom the chauvinists would refer to as pansies and its that type of ignorance that offends me and i think it would offend the male in question too, i mean is a man allowed to be a nurse without being criticized? lol meet the parents reminded me of that

bottom line

a man talking sexually about a woman, saying he would like to do her, well so what really? its flattering in some cases BUT a man or woman who disses another guy for being what they consider Girly, thats ignorant sexism
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