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Old 07-24-2010
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JFT JFT is offline
Gender: Male
Location: Norway
Posts: 38

Naruto was one of the first animes i saw when I was younger, but after a while I heard about One Piece and started to watch it. It was goofy, different and a little extreme with it's kind of humor, but in a strang way, I liked it (No, I didn't see the 4Kids dub, and thank Ra for that). After around 18 episodes, I skipped a whole lot and continues at the Thriller Bark Arc since I though the story was a little slow and I wanted to catch up to those who had followed the serie from the start. It was a little confusing in the beginning, but I began to read the One Piece Wikia and got really addicted to the characters, the powers and the whole One Piece Universe! What I think makes One Piece spesial is the difference from other shows. Yes, One Piece and their characters are based of others work, but it's totally possible to make something unique out of something else. Just think about it. Every artist's work are based of someone else's work, even if it's music, drawing, texts, etc...
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