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Old 05-24-2009
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Default Insert Boston Pun Here

I don't think that weekend could have possibly gone better.

To the other staff members toiling endlessly (i.e folding clothes) at the YGOTAS booth, you kicked ass and chewed bubblegum and subsequently ran out of gum (and Screw the Rules t-shirts), thanks to Anime Boston for having us and making HUGE improvements over Line-fest Boston 2008, and thank EVERY ONE OF YOU awesome fans who came by and made our day awesome - especially Team Rocket and everyone else who came by at the end and sung the Pokemon theme with us. You all rocked.

To those who missed our live webcam streams, you can check out the recordings at! though keep in mind some of it might not make sense since a lot of time we were responding to what was going on in the IRC channel. You DO get a lot of tours and crazy costumes and... well, caramel-dancing. Not like that's a bad thing. :D

Anyway, super special awesome con, crazy special awesome weekend and we'll catch you back at AB in 2010 - same bat time, same Ed channel.

Hey everybody, your friendly neighborhood araharu here. So Anime Boston was a huge success, and I had a ton of fun (despite Kroze's best efforts.) Anyways, I have a few people here that I need to give a shout out to -

We were neighbors to both and Connecticon, and I need to thank both of them for putting up with us (and our terrible singing.) Also, Mookie of Dominic Deegan fame was helping to advertise Connecticon, and if that's not reason enough to be there, then I don't know what is.

We also stopped by a few friends during our tour of the convention that you should all check out: - A cool card game that you all should definitely try out. Also, EVERYONE HUNTIK GO!!


Also, all the vendors that we showed on the cam were real friendly, so go check them out when you can! That's enough rambling from me, araharu out.

Last edited by araharu; 05-24-2009 at 10:55 PM.
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