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Old 07-28-2012
TheOcean's Avatar
TheOcean TheOcean is offline
Gender: Unknown
Location: Somewhere frozen.
Blurb: You may say I lost everything; but I still had my bedazzler.
Posts: 22,253

I must admit, I am reasonably pathless at the moment. For several years I tried to do nothing but find something to succeed at, and that made me incredibly unhappy. In the last two years or so I have learned that literally doing what will make me happy helps that a lot, but it means at the moment I'm guide-less. So I have chosen, for the time being, to take the things that make me happy and attempt to do them in large quantities (painting, writing, etc) to see if perhaps I can find success in that.

In the end I know I will probably have something more than my high school diploma in the next decade. I get too bored not to go back to school, even though I really hate upper education's bureaucratic tendencies. I'll probably end up an art teacher or something for the money.

I do know my husband will be attempting to further his education in the next half decade or so, and will definitely become a teacher. He was born to be one. We have discussed a lot of stuff and we have a goal to move to Austrailia in the next decade, especially if conservative politics continue to push against our rights. [ (Not looking for an argument here, just stating a fact. I have a vagina. They have been trying to take my rights away because of it. I will not discuss this point further.) ]

We chose that particular country because it is somewhere we have both wanted to at least visit since we were children. Having visited a lot of other countries, perhaps that will be the right one for us, we'll see, it isn't like we're just going to move there without checking it out first.

Also, might try to adopt/pop out a baby when I'm 35. Again, I guess we'll see. A decade away is an extremely tenuous and far off number. We might all very well be dead.
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