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Old 05-02-2010
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Shyn Shyn is offline
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Location: Seattle
Posts: 12

I run Ubuntu 10 along with Windows 7, but I must admit, I really only installed it for my operating systems programming class. I prefer Windows 7 mostly because all the software I'd like to run (ONE exception: mythtv) is available for windows, and not all of it is available for other systems. Also, I've never had these issues people complain about like spyware, bugs, performance, etc with any versions since winXP. Even Vista worked perfectly for me. I'll admit ME was the biggest POS to ever disgrace planet Earth, though.

That being said, I have plenty of love for Linux. It's awesome. I just think that Windows is also pretty awesome. (MacOS too)

PS: I saw that you had VHDL homework, David Bowie. Comp E. or E.E.? I'm Comp. E. myself. :D
Also, I had the exact same problem w/ dual monitors on Linux, lol. Man, that was annoying.

Last edited by Shyn; 05-02-2010 at 07:30 PM.
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