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Old 05-28-2012
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FluffyPillow FluffyPillow is offline
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I only watched the voting.

Pfff... GerIta isn't canon... or maybe it is... but not as a luv pair... ;) I laughed at it, too. I was like: Ha ha! See... I always told you that it's not real.

The German commentator was really sorry for England. BUT... 8th place. Yes! Even if Austria, Switzerland, Poland, Belgium and the Netherlands decided to 'hate' us again. Pfff... Uh, I totally forgot what Czech Republic gave us.

And Turkey... come one, they betrayed us twice. First Eurovision and now they're going to buy South Korean tanks instead of our beautiful Leopard tanks *sob sob* but we need da money! XD

And I also didn't like Sweden. I don't know so many of the other songs... I even listen to the German songe only once, but Sweden was... boring techno-pop... nothing special. But okay... that says a lt about our society and generation... *sigh*

But now for more important stuff! Football! One week guys! Most important goal... no matter who will win, don't let it be Spain!
My bet for Germany... semifinal and they screw it up, as always XD
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