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Old 05-20-2008
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HeavyDDR HeavyDDR is offline
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Posts: 3,421

Ugh. Did not like this episode. (No guys, believe it or not I actually like most of the episodes.)

1) I'm never going to hear the end to Brooklyn Rage.
2) Lots of brought-back jokes ie Mia is breasts, Bakura sucking, freaky fish guy.
3) Freaking Christ, never use Brooklyn Rage again.
4) Moke'mon is never going to end either...
5) Oh well. Steve's voice is the best in the entire series, seeing Kroze's stuff in here was cool, and the "explaining the card game" thing was pretty good too. And I'll always save room for Venture Brothers in my heart.

A so-so episode I guess.
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