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Old 07-30-2012
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HolyShadow HolyShadow is offline
Gender: Male
Location: The Holy Land
Blurb: Anon, do you have a moment to talk about Jesus?
Posts: 12,263

When I was a kid I wanted to be Goku, because I watched too many cartoons. I had a lot of different dreams, but the first actual "career" I envisioned was actually President.

Someone asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, and I thought "May as well aim high". I chose President because it seemed like the highest rank of career attainable.

Because it was an auto-reaction, I began to think of whether that would make me happy or not. It was a short debate with myself, but I concluded I didn't know enough about it.

A few years passed and I learned about the legal system, thus learning more about who the President is. I decided the President has little power because I was a stupid whelp, and decided instead I wanted to be a writer, what with constant reading and writing poetry and prose I did.

After I got to high school I decided that being a writer was something I could do part-time. So, stupidly, I decided I wanted to also be a lawyer. This went on for quite some time, and I felt I was fitted toward being that because I could distance myself from the fact of sending people to be imprisoned or worse who weren't actually guilty. First I wanted to be a prosecutor, then a defense attorney.

I got to college and I tested out a handful of different possible tracks to see what I'm most talented at. I tried a criminal justice course but it was more fitted for police officers than lawyers, so I tried to take an american politics and government course only to realize I actually knew everything they taught there, just about.

I also tried an english course and a math course. Predictably, math was my specialty. Granted the only english course I took was Junior-level, I still only got a C+ in it, and that's not good enough for me.

I chose my Major as Mathematics because it's what I was good at. I also suddenly found myself fascinated in History, so I chose that as a minor. I decided "Business Administration: Accounting" would also be a decent minor.

I spent the past year thinking about what would make me happy again, and I decided that I want to get married to a certain someone, and change my Major to Engineering. I'll double-Major that with Computer Information Systems, and I think that should allow me to explore a career with Mathematics that I can get practically anywhere.

My father was an Engineering Inspector so I didn't want to do what he did, but eventually I realized that his job was a good one and he had a good union, so it's a safe path to take, if tough. It gives me more focus than Mathematics and won't require a phd. I wanted to be a professor but that's expensive as all hell. Maybe I'll go back to school when I get older and get a phd to professor a place that way.
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