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Old 02-14-2013
TheOcean's Avatar
TheOcean TheOcean is offline
Gender: Unknown
Location: Somewhere frozen.
Blurb: You may say I lost everything; but I still had my bedazzler.
Posts: 22,253

1. Your threads aren't ignored, I can think of at least one forum game you started that is still going.

2. You aren't going to like my advice, but here it is. Ignore it like everyone else does. You're young. You're supposed to pine for someone you think you can't have. This is the time when you think you'll forever be unhappy and alone. At least, that is what I was like when I was much younger.

That being said, if it bothers you that much, just ask him out on a date. The worst he can do is say no, and crush you. Once that's happened at least you can find your self respect move on to someone else. And that's the worst case senario. It could be he likes you too, and just cause he's going to one dance with someone else doesn't mean you should assume you have 0 chance.

As for the art, grab some charcoal and put your angst into it girl. Some great shit can come out of frustration, you just have to break the dam of anxiety you're using to hold it all back. Put that emo music on, lock your door and cry it the hell out while making some dark art.
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