This city is afraid of me. I have seen its true face. The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout 'Save us!'... and Gon's Balls will whisper 'First... comes... rock!' Hah!  Made you stare at Naruto's Marshmallow!  Pushing the logo off-center to drive TheOcean insane.  
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Old 07-18-2007
isnotsasuke isnotsasuke is offline
Posts: 3

Favorite character would have to be the entire Organziation XIII. Okay, so it's more than one person, big deal. I enjoy each characters personalities and how it flows through each other member of the group. It fits well.

I don't really have a favorite quote, but I do giggle when Axel does the whole "Got it memorized" bit. He's a good speller I think.

Favorite world would have to be either Twilight Town or The World That Never Was. Boss battle would be at the very end when it's Riku and Sora fighting against Xemnas.
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Old 07-18-2007
fezhat fezhat is offline
Posts: 11

u forgot about chain of memories, imo, it was better than kh2 :P, but kh1 was the best. in kh2 they screwed up the battle system with all these reaction commands, and i beat proud mode by spamming x and triangle...and i never once used fire/blizzard/thunder except in the random boss battle thing in port royal. i think that the battle system in kh1 was far more sophisticated, especially the mp bar. so kh1 > chainofmemories > kh2.

anyways, my favorite character would be riku (playing as riku in chain of memories was so sick), my favorite place would be hollow bastion in the first one, and my favorite part *spoilers?* would be the final showdown with riku after defeating malificient, and the cutscene that came after it.
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Old 07-18-2007
Robert35861 Robert35861 is offline
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my favorite character was cloud
my favorite quote was "oh...your fighting too?"
favorite battle was against those 1000 heartless and the hardest person in the game*U know who it is*
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Old 07-18-2007
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RollingBox RollingBox is offline
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Hate the game plots, but love the game play ^.^

For the first game, I'd say Captain Hook was my favorite character.
And for the second game, I'd say Axel :3
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Old 07-18-2007
elementalshark elementalshark is offline
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I like the story of Kingdom Hearts, and I'm playing Chain of Memories (well, I'm taking a break to play the ever-addicting Phoenix Wright), but I've never really played KH and KH2. I'm not interested in console games--I watch my brother play the other games instead.

Favorite character? Namine (see my avatar, yay?). My favorite world would have to be Twilight Town (which may explain part of why I RP an AU Namine who grew up in Twilight Town, and who since has become the favorite of my half-dozen or so characters).

I don't really have any favorite single cutscene that I can remember right now, but off the top of my head, "We'll go together." is my favorite quote. I'm no fan of Riku/Sora or anything, but it makes me squeal mentally every time I think of it. (If there's a good Sora/Riku/Kairi trinity quote, though...that would be my favorite.)
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Old 07-18-2007
Riku Riku is offline
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My favorite character is Riku. I'm to lazy to explan..^^'
My favorite quote would be(Currentally they change x3): "There was a time I did want you around. I surrendered my heart to the dark. But never again. You and your darkness have nothing to offer. All I did was lose myself... Empty myself! I'm finished with all that. If I'm stuck seeing people like you, people of the dark... I'll take you out one by one. "-Riku
My favorite world would be Pirates of the Caribbean in KH2 <3
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Old 07-19-2007
Bakurakrazie Bakurakrazie is offline
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DEMYX! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Seriously, he, like, IS me practically. XD''' Minus the boobs, of course u.u
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Old 07-19-2007
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I would also have to say the entire Organization XIII, since I can't really pick just one.

Favorite boss fights: Sephiroth (II), Xigbar, and Xaldin (yes, really)
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Old 07-19-2007
jlei jlei is offline
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Hm... I have to say I do like Axel, 'cause he's just full of awesomeness. And then the quote of course would be the whole "got it memorized?" phenomena. I swear, that quote sparked a whole new generation for gaming nerds. I used to like Demyx before I found it insanely hard to defeat him... and Riku too, because, well... who wouldn't like Riku? =D

Oh, and I can't forget Seifer's quote during battle "isn't this romantic?" It's pretty amusing. Yeah, he so has a thing for Roxas. xD
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Old 07-20-2007
Xonmean Xonmean is offline
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Well, if it wasn't for Kingdom Hearts 2 I wouldn't have my username...cookie for whoever figures it out.

For anyone who's played Re:Com or Kingdom Hearts 2:Final Mix+, I have to say I looove Larxene's Japanese voice. It's! Yeah, I know, she's psychotic, but I love the voice.

Right now I would have to say one of my favorite characters outside of Org.XIII would have to be Terra. There's just something mysterious about him. For those of you who don't know who Terra is...
[ He's the ultimate secret boss in Final Mix+, and the toughest boss in the game. He is one of the three knights that shows up in the secret ending to both the original Kingdom Hearts and Final Mix+. There is some connection between him and Xehanort that hasn't been established. All that is known is that he "Hates Xehanort" and is searching for him. ]

I really wish that Final Mix+ would come to America, but knowing Squeenix and thier International Versions of Final Fantasies, as well as the fact that there is no information whatsoever on if it will come out, I don't think it will. Oh well.

Kingdom Hearts rocks!
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Old 07-20-2007
Palis Palis is offline
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ok, to everyone who says kingdom hearts 2 was better cause it was easier, i will agree to half of that. it was easier, but it gave you all these elaborate moves that you didnt need. in kh1, you HAD to use offensive magic and clever strategies in some boss fights (i.e. ursala, parasite cage, maleficent dragon). as far as plot goes, kh2 is every bit as good as kh1, maybe better, but its still a game, and kh1 had better gameplay, even if there were a few issues with the camera and stuff.

anyways, with that off my chest:
fav characters: riku, demyx, sora(for laughs), saix, axel
fav worlds:
in kh1 - hollow bastion, olympus collesium;
in kh2 - hollow bation/radient garden, world that never was, pride lands
fav quotes:
in kh1 - anything riku or ansem says, and in traverse town when goofy says "gawrsh, what do I know?
in kh2 - "got it memorized", "dance water, dance"(it gets trapped in your head), ansem the wise's laugh in the prologue (if that counts)
fav bosses: parasite cage, riku (second time), phantom, kurtzisa, xaldin, xigbar, saix, and luxord.
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Old 07-20-2007
weena weena is offline
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I love the games... beat 100% of both of them.. I'm such a nerd.

Hades Coliseum is the hardest part in both games. Ugh.

I don't really have a favorite character or quote. They're all fine and kinda of cheesy (lovable nonetheless.)
Favorite World: I love Hollow Bastion so hard. It's so big and the 1000 heartless battle was amazingly fun
Favorite boss: Mmm, the final battle with Xemnas.. because it's just like tons of button mashing.

I'm so excited for KH3. Does anyone know anything about it? I've seen all the little teasers but it's just like WAR OF KEYBLADES. Everyone's flipping shit that the original characters might not be in it. But honestly, I'm cool with it ahaha.
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Old 07-20-2007
ManaSetsuna ManaSetsuna is offline
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"Boy, did they ever pick the wrong guy for this one" DEMYX!!! ♥♥♥
I love Demyx! xDDD

My fave character is ofcourse Demyx! dood, he's fine! .. but I also like Axel, Xigbar, Luxord... yea, all members of Organization XIII, Sora, Riku.. NOT KAIRI. :3
My favourite world.. Halloween Town! For I really like the Nightmare before Christmas! yay! and halloween is coooool.. it's the only day I can walk around wearing black WITHOUT people telling me I look like a witch! YAY!
Fave end-boss... uhhhrrr.. SaÃ?x, because I hate him. thank you ^^ oh, and Xigbar,! He's fun!
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Old 07-23-2007
NewtypeSEED NewtypeSEED is offline
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Larxene's seiyuu did Asuka Soryuu in Evangelion like...10 years ago...surprising huh??
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Old 07-23-2007
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I love almost all the characters (Sora, Riklu, Roxas, the organisation, final fantasy cameos) exept Donald, Goofy and KAIRI (bitch needs to die).
"Dance, water, DANCE!" would have to be my fave quote. But there are loads of others.
The organisation pwns.
I love Twilight Town. It needs more love.
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Old 07-27-2007
Maidenar Maidenar is offline
Posts: 4

This game is awesome....
I have a question....
Where is the green trinity in the Tarzan world?
I read in a FAQ that it is in a secret rooom in the treehouse, but I dont seem to find it.
Tnx in advance...
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Old 07-28-2007
Saito Saito is offline
Posts: 37

My favorite character would be Axel because from all the organization members he showed that even though he didn't had a heart, he was one that he really did had one. Plus, I like his spiky hair. xD Luxor (?) just because, he just has this attitude an ascent that makes him cool, and he just go right to the point (at that part in TWTNW, "Let's just skip the formalities." I liked when he said that to Sora.) Larxene, OMG theres isn't not much to say I don't even think you'll have have a chance to open your mouth if you were a feet away from her, she's a speed demon and I like her devious charming voice, a serious backstabber.

My favorite quote is: Luxor (? again, i forgot if thats correct) "Let's just skip the formalities.", Xemnas: "So, it seems your hearts has led you to obliteration." (I found that funny to me) also from is, "If light and darkness are enternal, then us nothings must be the same... Eternal."

My favorite world would be the Underworld(Hercules) just because of the Tournaments, w00t! TWTNW because i just like feel the world has, and killing those defenseless little heartless for the entertainment of fighting is good.

My favorite bosses: All (ALL) of the Organization XIII+ second time battles! They are awesome to the max, I still haven't beaten all of them yet, only 4-6 I haven't played that much now, too damn hard, especially that freaking Larxene >_< oh and the dude standing with that humongous sword being cool (nope, dear old Sehpy) the Knight that Xonmean mentioned, yup Terra, i have no comment on him. I just like the music The 13th Reflection, Rage Awakened, The Other Promise, and so on!

FTW for KH series! To hope that the next game comes to the PS2!
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