This city is afraid of me. I have seen its true face. The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout 'Save us!'... and Gon's Balls will whisper 'First... comes... rock!' Hah!  Made you stare at Naruto's Marshmallow!  Pushing the logo off-center to drive TheOcean insane.  
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Old 11-21-2007
ConGirl ConGirl is offline
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I love those books. Eclipse seemed a bit rushed though, so the first two have been my fav.
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Old 05-01-2008
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KuramaStrassCullen KuramaStrassCullen is offline
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I made the mistake of reading Eclipse first... since it was lying around...

I had been depressed for a while, but Eclipse was so good... It felt good to be so addicted to something again. Something new. Something fresh. It was... great. Just great. I felt alive again.

I got Twilight for my birthday, and New Moon shortly after that. Twilight is my favorite, for sure. New Moon I didn't care for, since I'm an Edward fangirl *points to name* but since I'm also a fangirl of the entire series, I'm required to like it...

Yeah. Being a fangirl can be annoying sometimes.

I can't wait for Breaking Dawn!! I'm so excited!

And I'm thinking of writing a YuYu Hakusho-Twilight fanfic. sometime, so if anyone has comments on that...

And her new book The Host is coming out in four day! *squeals* Yay!

I love Stephenie Meyer to death!

<3 Edward Cullen!!

- Kuramastrass -
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Old 05-14-2008
PuJw PuJw is offline
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oh god, plz dont mix twilight with yuyuhakusho. Well come to think of it, i dont have to read it. Knock yourself out then, i guess. At any rate you all failed to mention the most amazing character in the book, Aro Volturi! Effectivly king of the vampires, holy crap, do you have any idea how awsome that is??

(btw another straight guy who enjoyed the series)
(even if i did read it to impress a girl)
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Old 05-15-2008
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What's wrong with mixing Twilight with YYH? Do you have something against YYH? Or do you just not like the thought of mixing demons and vampires?

And sure, Aro may basically be the king of the vampires, but without a doubt Carlisle is more awesome than him. He completely overcame his thirst for blood! He works in a hospital!

And, of course, for the fangirls, Edward is the most amazing character...

Though Alice is probably the most interesting character. She had no human life. (Please don't tell me she did; I know that. But she doesn't remember any of it.)
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Old 05-15-2008
aren aren is offline
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The Twilight series is no better than the "Inheritance" trilogy, or whatever the heck Paolini called it. I could find vampire stories on QUIZILLA better than Myers's stuff. D; (And I have. >>; )

The woman is getting PAID to write Mary Sue vampire stories.

...God save us.
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Old 05-16-2008
PuJw PuJw is offline
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whatever aren, you dont have to like the series, and i wont think anything less of you, but i also quite enjoyed eragon as well so i would appreciat you not belittling them in a forum that was created to discuss them positivly.

I did like YYH there just isnt any commenground between that and twilight so i dont think they would go well with each ther.

also carsilse kinda got gypt when it came to handing out powers.
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Old 05-20-2008
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I disagree, I believe that there is plenty of common ground. I also believe that Bella is aware of the supernatural (the vampires) and hence would be able to see things like Yusuke's Reigun. Besides, vampires and demons are pretty similar.

You know who really got gypped when it came to handing out powers? Rosalie. Was her power her beauty or her ultra-bitchiness?
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Old 05-22-2008
PuJw PuJw is offline
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I suppose, you do kinda have a point, maybe i just kinda automatically seperated them since one was an anime and the other was a book. Also i agree with the rosalie thing. Carlisle is like the batman of the vampire world. His superpowers suck, but he is still amazing on his own talent. Rosalie on the other hand is more like aquaman of the vampire world. Just plain useless and probebly talks to fish in her spare time.
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Old 05-23-2008
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twilight was brilliant. but seriously, sparkling vampires? jeez!
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Old 05-26-2008
sailorstardefender sailorstardefender is offline
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AH! TWILIGHT! I LOVE TWILIGHT! Edward!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Sorry, don't mean to sound so fan girlish)
The Host was AWESOME too!

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Old 05-26-2008
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It's okay. Desptie what you might think, being a Edward fangirl is perfectly normal... hell, I have a friend who is like, the total oppostie of fangirl, and she's an Edward fangirl. Or maybe just a Twilight series fangirl. I'm not sure yet. But hey.
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Old 05-29-2008
viarules viarules is offline
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best book series i have ever read. no joke. ive read twilight over 6 times. now i just read my fav bits ;) i love it when she goes to port angeles and edward saves her and they talk at the restaurant. or when bella agrees to marry edward in eclipse

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Old 05-30-2008
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When Edward proposes, that is probably my favorite part of Eclipse. Or when Bella realizes that she loves Jacob, too. I'm not sure.

But the best part of Twilight is definitely the scene in the meadow. You know that that's the first part of the book she wrote?
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Old 06-01-2008
PuJw PuJw is offline
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Personally i think that Jacob is a complete doosh bag, well until the very end anyway. I mean what kind of guy has to threaten to kill himself just to get a kiss. all the stupid stuff he did too like ratting bella out on the moter cycles was pretty low, too. I just can't get behind you when you say that ur favorite part was when bella realized she loved him. i wouldn't love him. I would have to say my favorite part is when Alice and Edward were playing chess, i forgot what book it was in though......

Also i know it said alice had short hair, but i always pictured her with strait black hair just past the shoulders, but that just may be because i personally find long hair more attractive than short

P.S i spell things the way i want when i want, if i'm inconsistant or spell things wrong, just don't worry about it.

Also, no i wont use the edit button to fix it, ( but i will use it to add the fact that i wont)
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Old 06-02-2008
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Yeah, Jacob kinda is. He's definitely a total jerkoid. And ratting Bella out was kinda low... I think it was more than he was mad at her for picking Edward than him not wanting her to spend time with Edward, though.

Okay, when Edward proposes is definitely my favorite part. The part where she realizes she loves Jacob... I dunno. I just like that she finally realized that she wasn't immune to... imprinting, was it? And it kinda proved that she isn't totally Edward-centered.

I'm glad she picked Edward. Jacob is... immature. And, I mean, how long would it be until he could age again? Jacob's the kind of guy that loves to transform and be a powerful wolf, I'm sure. I would. I would love to just run and run and run... He wouldn't stop transforming and start aging again anytime soon. So if he and Bella got together, then one day she'd be, like, 70 and he'd be... like 30. Isn't that wrong? Sure, they could have children, but... Jacob can't make Bella what he is. Edward can. Edward is financially able to support Bella. Jacob cannot. Edward is emotionally and intellectually mature. Jacob is not. Edward had self-control. Jacob does not. Jacob is imperfect, because he is human (well, sort of). Edward is perfect, because he is not human.

Edward was the better choice. And besides, what girl ir her right mind would pick Jacob over Edward? That's like picking Tarukane over Kurama. Or picking Master Roshi over Vegeta.

I would love Jacob... as a friend. He is kinda cute. But nothing more than a friend.

Alice and Edward playing chess is awesome! They made, like, five moves!

Alice: *sees moves Edward will make in the future and starts planning next move*
Edward: *sees moves he will make in Alice's mind, and changes his moves to counter hers*

Yeah. I imanged Alice with hair like that, too. Maybe she'll grow it out someday. After all, then it would be more fun for her to style and play with it.

Breaking Dawn is almost here! The first chapter is in the Eclipse special edition... I haven't read it yet... but I read an excerpt on the internet...

I'm so excited! *cue fangirl squeal*
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Old 06-02-2008
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they are really good and original bboks and are very good. but the was a part in new moon where she uses the line
"I won the fight against my heavy eyelids" twice within two pages. but i'm not going to criticise her for that. I think the series is really good (despite my comment on sparkling, post 39).
the books were a bit wierd, as in that the big chase or the adeventure part is only within the last few chapters of each book. but oh well.
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Old 06-02-2008
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KuramaStrassCullen KuramaStrassCullen is offline
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It's not really "weird". It's called "that's what the target audience (fangirls; teenage females; romance/vampire novel enthusiasts) wants to read". We don't want to read the adventure/chase part. We don't really want to read the danger part (except when the danger is Edward). We want to read the mushy romance parts. We read the books for those parts alone... and, of course, for Edward.

And I like the sparkling, myself. If I recall correctly, in New Moon, Jacob laughs and then says this line:

"Hollywood never gets anything right."

(That's my favorite line by him, by the way.)

The sparkling is just part of Hollywood being wrong. I like the fact that Hollywood is so wrong. That's the way we all think. Vampires sleep in coffins, and things like that.

Or, as Lilly (my OC) puts it: "I don't know anything about vampires, really, but I'm willing to bet everything you think about them is wrong. I mean, that's how it was with me and demons. I thought I knew what they were like. I was wrong."

So, I think if vampires really do exist in the world, they sparkle in the sun and drive silver volvos. That's why they still survive to this day. We're too stupid to see what they are because we're stuck on stereotypes.

Stephenie Meyer just clued us in, however, and soon fangirls will be flocking to Edward Cullen's doorstep in Minnesota. Poor Edward. I wish him best of luck against the fangirls.
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Old 06-06-2008
PuJw PuJw is offline
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I dont think that they would be exactly like what Stephanie said they would be, because i fshe knew, she wouldnt want to give them away if she did know about them. i do like the hollywood quote, too.

Also i do prefer the adventure parts, being a guy, but i agree with kuramastrasscullen, that the target audience is in fact teenage girls, so it is no coincedence that the majority of the books are gushy parts.

I still don't think that sparkling in the sunlight was the right idea, i personally think that it should be somthing much more sinister. Vampires are already the perfect hunters, i think that they should have at least one flaw, or limitation. The sunlight should show vampires for what they truly are, i think that if a vamp stepped in the sun it should expose them as some kind of horrible creature.
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Old 06-07-2008
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That would actually be quite good. But Vampires do have one flaw and that's that werewolves are better than them. They are stronger and faster.
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Old 06-08-2008
PuJw PuJw is offline
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I believe you are mistaken, friend, werewolves hunt in packs for a reason. It's because vampires are faster and stronger then them, no? the only way a werewolf could defeat a vampire is if they work together, and vampires are basically clueless when it comes to werewolves. so now that the cullens have seen the werewolves fight, they could develop a stratagy against it, then even though they are outnumbered by about 5 right? i dont remember the number of wolves of hand. I digress, the vampires would totally win. ( not that the Cullens would attack the werewolves.)
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Old 06-09-2008
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True. Werewolfs hunt in packs and vampires tend to be loners. If the werewolves were stronger than the vampires, wouldn't it be the opposite? There would be more vampire covens than the two I can think of off-hand. (They would be the Cullens and that other one in Denali.) And the werewolfs would travel in like, maybe twos. Therefore, the vampires are stronger.

The only reason the a lone werewolf would be able to take one of the Cullens is because vampires are at their strongest when they've recently comsumed human blood. As we all know, the Cullens don't eat humans... anymore. (Sort of like Raizen... another YuYu Hakusho similarity... sorta...) So none of the Cullens are as strong as they could be.

And, true, it would be cool if the sunlight exposed them as some horrible monster... sorta like that one guy from DBZ who doesn't like to transform because he becomes ugly... Zarbon, I think he was... But, again, remember the target audience? We don't want Edward to be a monster. (After all, he isn't a monster. He hunts bears.) We want him to be pretty and sparkle in the sunlight.

Twilight isn't Harry Potter. Maybe in Harry Potter the vampires would become monsters in the sunlight. Not Twilight.
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Old 06-09-2008
PuJw PuJw is offline
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Crap. i typed a whole message then i hit back space after putting in a smiley face and i went back a page and it poofed. So get ready for some hasty paraphrasing. <img src='/images/emoticons/smiley6.png'>

Blah blah blah sparkle blah blah blah target audiance, oh yeah. Blah blah blah edward isnt a monster blah blah blah most vampires are. blah blah blah, maybe only red eyes. <img src='/images/emoticons/smiley5.png'>
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Old 06-10-2008
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I could have sworn werewolves were still faster than vampires because in New Moon, they hunt down that guy who was friends with James, from the first book. But he couldn't run away because werewolves are faster?
Also, I think werewolves aren't as in control of themselves as vampires, because they transform every time a vampire is near. But if they could control it like the Cullens control their need for blood? That's how I see it, even though that's slightly wrong (don't bother pointing it out)/.
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Old 06-10-2008
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KuramaStrassCullen KuramaStrassCullen is offline
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Yes, the werewolves are faster. The only vampire faster than the werewolves is Edward. (... Now I see where people can say that she writes MarySue stories. But, again, the target audience wants to read a MarySue story, I suppose... I mean, I like them...)

Yeah, they nailed that guy with James and Victoria; Laurent was his name. Them werewolves totally killed that sucka. But he's not exactly the fast one. If he had been Edward, however... Well, he would've known they were coming... (Which brings up the question: Why didn't Laurent smell them? All vampires should be able to smell werewolves that close.) Then he would have moved out of the way, and he would've told Bella to run (as, of course, you remember that Bella was there).

And not only were the werewolves faster than Laurent, they totally took the bloodsucker by surprise.

No, the werewolves aren't as in control of themselves as the vampires (with the exception of Jasper). The vampires have had centuries of practice, whereas the werewolves have had... weeks? Months? And they don't transform every time a vampire is near... if they did, Jacob would have transformed every time he and Edward met to pass off Bella. And they also transform when their emotions get too out of control... that's why people around werewolves get hurt.

And, I have to point this out... Stephenie makes it clear that once a werewolf is able to control their transformations, they begin aging again. I don't think they want that... it's probably fun to be a werewolf. And eternally young. You know, I think I would like that. Not being in control of the transformations would totally suck, of course, but the upside is being able to run through the forest, like a wild animal. Blood rushing through your body. Totally worth it.

If I wasn't so biased toward Edward, I'd pick the werewolves over the vampires. But, alas, I am a fangirl and therefore would choose the vampires as Edward is one. If Edward died, I think I'd go with the werewolves then... maybe.

And, PuJw, sure, most vampires are monsters. Not Edward, however. At least, not in the eyes of the fangirls. Edward is too... Edward... to be a monster. He can't be. He's Edward.
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Old 06-10-2008
PuJw PuJw is offline
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Right, i agreed that edward, and the culluns arnt monsters (jasper borderline, but still not quite a monster). And about that whole Laurent thing with the werewolves sneaking up on them, perhaps he was too focused on bella, or her scent was to overwhelming? Also i fogort about that whole section until it was brought up, anyway, vampires were faster in the water though right?, also they dont have to breathe.

If i was a vampire i would totally live underwater. It would be a good way to not be discovered. id be the most sinister merman ever.

also i thought that werewolves started aging if they gave up their transformations, just controlled them. like if you don't transorm for too long then it kicks in, i could still be wrong, i was planning on rereading soon anyway.

Crap dont you hate it when you were about to say somthing, but then you get distracted for a moment and you forget what it was you were going to say?
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Old 06-11-2008
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Yeah... maybe. I mean, James was kinda overwhelmed by her scent, too...

Yeah. The vampires are faster in the water... I think. But then, if the vampires were faster, then wouldn't Victoria have gotten to Bella before Jacob and the other werewolves? (By the way, does anyone recall Victoria's power?)

Now that I think about it, I don't think they're necessarily faster... I think the vampires can just stay underwater longer because they don't have to breathe. (But think about it... would you like not breathing? If you read the excerpt of Midnight Sun, you would've seen that Edward referred to not breathing as "uncomfortable".)

Yeah. You'd be a pretty sinister merman. And as much as I would love to live underwater (*Little Mermaid fan*), I'd still pick running freely through the forests over an eternity underwater... if Edward died, or something like that. (*can't believe she would even say that*) I mean, I'm biased toward the vampires because I'm a huge Edward fangirl, but I think I'd rather be a werewolf.

... Yeah. I hate that, too. It sucks.
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Old 06-12-2008
PuJw PuJw is offline
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Well, i would breathe when i was above water, hell i might even breathe underwater too, it wouldnt really matter if my lungs filled with water, cause i wouldnt need to worry about drowning, and im sure a vamp diphragm would be more than capable of pumping water as easily as air. any way, i would totally take swimming free to running free because underwater has three dimensions, as opposide to just two, i suppose you could jump off cliffs and stuff, but it just wouldnt be the same. Also i am willing to bet that vampires are faster underwater. My dog can easily run faster than me, but once it starts having to doggy paddle, it's all over ; D
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Old 06-13-2008
YarunoDoragon YarunoDoragon is offline
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Okay, first off, the skin thing. Are you kidding me? A vampire's skin is supposed to BURN in the sunlight, not freaking SPARKLE!! Secondly, the vampires in this series apparently don't have fangs. WTF?!? I don't care WHO you are, VAMPS HAVE FANGS. Also, has anyone noticed how much of a prettyboy Edward is? It's really annoying. You people know what roleplaying is, right? You know how we roleplayers complain about some characters being Mary Sues and Gary Stues? *points to Bella and Edward* Perfect examples. Honestly, all this series did is add about 3 million+ squealing fangirls to the population. If you want DECENT vampire literature, read The Vampire Chronicles. MUCH better. Plus, Lestat PWNS Edward ANY day. :P
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Old 06-14-2008
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KuramaStrassCullen KuramaStrassCullen is offline
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First of all, if you had read the series... *sighs again* Everyone knows that vampires burn in the sunlight. We got it. I take it you don't believe in the supernatural. Because if vampires really do exist (and I believe they do... somewhere...), then I'm willing to bet they don't burn in the sunlight. I mean, how would they have survived all this time? We're looking for people who burn in the sunlight, not people who sparkle.

Another thing: if you go on Stephenie Meyer's website, you'll see that the entire series was based off a dream she had. It was the scene in the meadow from Twilight. He was sparkling in her dream.

As for the fangs... I actually don't have a clue about that one. But I think it's to blend in with the human population. And, you have to remember, they were human before they were vampires. Humans don't have fangs.

No comment on the prettyboy thing. I can't deny it. I'm a fangirl. I like prettyboys. (If it annoys you, by the way, then try not reading the series.)

Really? You say Edward's a Gary Stu and Bella's a Mary Sue? I don't know a single roleplayer who would call a character from the canon a Mary Sue or a Gary Stu. (I used to roleplay, by the way. I can't anymore, unfortunately.) The only characters I know who get called Mary Sues or Gary Stues by roleplayers are the original characters.

Do you have something against fangirls, by any chance? Your whole rant seems to be screaming "FANGIRL HATER".

What's wrong with fangirls? And didn't Harry Potter do the same thing? Sure, I doubt they were squealing as much as the Edward fangirls do, but they're still fangirls. Harry Potter made fangirls/fanboys out of quite a few people, and these are people who normally stray away from anything that would turn them into fangirls/fanboys (anime, for instance).

Everyone had a different definiton of "decent". Just because you think that The Vampire Chronicles is good doesn't mean that it is. And I don't think I will read it, just because you seem to be a fangirl hater/asshole and I really get worked up when it comes to that sort of thing.

I mean, what am I supposed to think if you come in here and just go on a rant like that? Honestly. Don't rant. It's immature. You can say you don't like the series. Fine. Don't rant about it like that. State what you don't like about the series in a mature way.

"If you want DECENT vampire literature, read The Vampire Chronicles. MUCH better."

I mean, to me, that just screams "asshole".

And, sure, you may think The Vampire Chronicles is better than Twilight, but tell me: does The Vampire Chronicles have a movie coming out?
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Old 06-16-2008
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As of right now...

46 days
8 hours
26 minutes

... Until Breaking Dawn comes out!
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