This city is afraid of me. I have seen its true face. The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout 'Save us!'... and Gon's Balls will whisper 'First... comes... rock!' Hah!  Made you stare at Naruto's Marshmallow!  Pushing the logo off-center to drive TheOcean insane.  
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Old 05-10-2008
HippieAnarchist's Avatar
HippieAnarchist HippieAnarchist is offline
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You know what I hate? Intolerance.

America…who doesn’t love us? Well, apparently many countries have a “beef” with our glorious nation . And I can’t imagine why…

(At Berlin International Airport)
Check in woman: Tag! And welcome to Deutchland! What country are you from, please?
Husky American Man: Hola Amego.
Check in woman: What was that, bitte? I did not understand.
Husky American Man: You know, “Hola”…It’s Mexican for hi or something. It’s like the national language of Mac Donald’s.
Check in woman: I’m sorry. I do not speak that language, sir.
Husky American Man: I don’t give a damn about what you speak, just as long as the food here is better then that crap on the plane. I mean, organic peanuts? What are you people, some sort of health nut hippies?
Check in woman: I’m sorry sir, but we must continue with this. May I please see your passport.
Husky American Man: What the hell do you need that for? You wanna keep my picture, don’t ya darlin? You think I’m a hunk. A big, strong, muscular, elementary school educated hunk!
Check in woman: ?
Husky American Man: That’s right, babe. Take all this *strokes mullet* in…
Security Guard: Is there some sort of problem here? The other passengers would like to debark.
Husky American Man: Back off man I saw her first!
Security Guard: Sir, there are 40 other passengers that need to disembark.
Husky American Man: Shit man, 40?!?!
Security Guard: Yes sir.
Husky American Man: And how many of these “passengers” are men ‘cause *whispers* I could so take ‘em.
Security Guard: Sorry, take them…?
Husky American Man: Out, man! Take ‘em out!
Check in woman: Out where?
Husky American Man: God you French people are so retarded. Wait a second, what are they all looking at? *yells to crowd* What’ya lookin at?! You….! Was you eye’n my woman!
Bewildered old man: Whaaaat? I can’t hear you…You young people and your quiet voices…GET OFF MY LAWN!!!
Husky American Man: I’ll show you what happens to the French when they mess with America! *Prepares to punch*
Check in woman: Wait. Did you say America?
Husky American Man: Fuck yeah I did. It’s the best damn country ever! Land of the free and home of the brave! *punches old man* YEEHA!
Check in woman: So you are American then?
Husky American Man: Damn right ho!
Check in woman: Oh. That’s certainly nice to know. *takes gun and shoots the Husky American Man in the face* There you go! Enjoy Berlin! Next!
Me: Um…Hi.
Check in woman: Tag. And what country are you from.
Me: *looks down at body * Um…CANADA!

Now why the Germans don’t like America, I’ll never know…
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Old 05-11-2008
V2NT1 V2NT1 is offline
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As an American myself, I have never met anyone, male or female, whose persona fits that sortof incredibly stupid and xenophobic caricature before. I guess it's just the stereotype other nations form of us because of a few loudmouthed ignoramuses, but I assure you, 99% of us are NOT at all like that.
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Old 05-11-2008
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Of course you're not all like that! Just look at some of the other great people from America...

Jack Nicholson
Richard Nixon
Sarah Silverman
Jeffery Domer
Al Capone
Chris Benoit
Mel Gibson
George W. Bush
and finally
Naomi Campbell.

Nothing remotely wrong with any of those fine Americans...Nothing at all... <img src='/images/emoticons/smiley7.png'>
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Old 05-11-2008
V2NT1 V2NT1 is offline
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You're going to compare all Americans to just that few? I honestly find that somewhat insulting.

That's like saying all Europeans are like Caligula, Jack the Ripper, Vlad Tepes, Joseph Stalin, Benito Mussilini, and Adolph Hitler. Wouldn't that seem a little unfair? I'd hope you think so, too.
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Old 05-11-2008
lunchbox lunchbox is offline
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Chris Benoit is from Canada and Mel Gibson is from Australia and as for Bush you can have him we don't want him.
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Old 05-12-2008
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frogger4Christ frogger4Christ is offline
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Here's what pisses me off:

School dances. It's like a date with everyone watching you. No one wants ppl watching you date. It's worse than ppl watching you take a crap in the toilet. Too embarrassing for words. Not much of a rant, but just something to get out of my system.
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Old 05-12-2008
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Yeah, okay story time. I asked this girl out to prom, made sure to buy her flowers, rented the tux, and canceled the events I had planned with my friends so that I could work into her plans. We were going with this other couple who were actually boyfriend/girlfriend, and we all met up at the girlfriend's house. I get there, the girls disappear, and I'm stuck with this guy I don't know. Okay, that's fine. Except they're gone for an hour. Whatever, at least pictures will be nice. We get there, it's freezing, and she refuses to take the pictures. Now I'm getting kinda pissed. We get to prom, and guess what? They both ignore the two of us guys. FOR THE ENTIRE NIGHT. I tried dancing with her once, and she wouldn't even look at me. By the time I drove her home, she went inside, and I was so pissed that I drove over to my friend's party and bitched about her all night.

THAT, my firends, is the prom night from Hell, hosted by your one and only araharu.
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Old 05-12-2008
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You know what's stupid? Lost is going to continue airing until 2010. Isn't that so... J.J. Abrams? It doesn't surprise me, I suppose. I love Lost, don't get me wrong. But I hate the fact that they're going to keep such a dry show around for two more years...It's rather depressing. It's just becoming more and more..."lost" to me. (Oh yeah, I'm good!) Seriously, how many times can a bunch of stranded, emotionally unstable, and extremely horny and attractive people attempt to be rescued from a nameless island ? And just what the hell is up with Claire? Not to mention Jacob...

It annoys me, the whole thing. But I love it anyway.
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Old 05-16-2008
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frogger4Christ frogger4Christ is offline
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That is one of the most dreadful things i have heard in my entire life.
I've never even had a girlfriend before and that sounded terrible.
You recovering from that?
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Old 05-16-2008
DarkWarrior's Avatar
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Of course you're not all like that! Just look at some of the other great people from America...

Jack Nicholson
Richard Nixon
Sarah Silverman
Jeffery Domer
Al Capone
Chris Benoit
Mel Gibson
George W. Bush
and finally
Naomi Campbell.

Nothing remotely wrong with any of those fine Americans...Nothing at all...
Just as a note, don't proceed as if it's a fact that these people were bad as Americans. It's merely your opinion, and other people may feel differently. Good word of advice.
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Old 05-17-2008
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Chris Benoit
I lol'd
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Old 05-17-2008
jakeismydog jakeismydog is offline
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I've come to the conclusion that I hate society and people all together. Now what I'm saying makes me sound like and emo and some kid who just wants to kill himself, I'm not. I just want to live alone somewhere in the forest or something away from people and live the rest of my life as a recluse. Maybe find a job as a clerk to some lonely, in the middle-of-nowhere convenience store.

-I hate how people follow people around like puppies.
-I hate how teenagers all listen to their music just because it's cool.
-I hate how kids in high school do drugs because it's fun and cool and fucks up your life
(If you hadn't noticed yet, I'm in high school)
-I hate the most of all, the media, and how they manipulate all the little puppies into being terrified about food shortages diseases, the flu, criminals, shootings, not good things, and other random things that people really don't need to know about.
-I hate how hate things that they don't know about or are ignorant about. That pretty much explains why people are afraid of things or don't like things. LOL - I just said that people don't like things that they are ignorant about.
-I hate how people are racist. It just annoys me.
-I hate how people are homophobic. Once again, it just annoys me.
-I hate how people think they are better than other people.
-I hate how believe in religion. Because it doesn't exist.
-I hate how people are sometimes so committed to what they believe in.
-I hate how people are sometimes so committed to what they don't believe in. Same thing as two above.^^^^
-I hate stereotypes even though they are, sometimes, true.
-I hate the Disney channel.
-I hate the ABC Family channel. (same thing^^^) I hate how they advertise their shitty movies about princesses all the time.
-I hate all sitcoms, although some entertain me slightly. And most of all, I hate laugh tracks. Lulz, every time my fat ass, bitch of a sister watches a crappy sitcom that fails, and the laugh track comes on, I just produce the most obnoxious laugh. Why you ask, because the show thinks it's just freakin halairious, I have laugh too. She gets so pissed and she screams like a wombat. And it just makes me laugh even more. I leave the room colapsing. So really, the thing I hate the most brings me joy.
____-I would rant more, but I hate it...
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Old 05-19-2008
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You seriously need to calm down every once in a while and realise 99% of those things don't affect you in the slightest.
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Old 05-19-2008
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Did anyone else laugh when the "I hate ____" speech turned from hating society to hating certain TV channels? Seems like a bad follow up if you ask me.
I hate how people are sometimes so committed to what they believe in.
Should everyone just become a nihilist and make no attempt to change the world you seem to hate so much? What is wrong with passionate about one's beliefs?
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Old 05-20-2008
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frogger4Christ frogger4Christ is offline
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eh, ignoring that long rant
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Old 05-23-2008
agrajagthetesty agrajagthetesty is offline
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So basically, you hate people that follow along with the crowd and you hate people that stand up for their beliefs.

Throw us a lifeline here. :/
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Old 05-29-2008
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Guess who's back...


Yes! After vigorous studying and such, The HippieAnarchist has returned to her Rant page with yet another...well...another rant. Who would have guessed?

You know what makes me want to return to my rant page after a vent-less two weeks to vent and rant? (Oh am I ever so original!) Faded out child actors.

So, I was watching The Goonies today (because Id never seen that movie) and I noticed a little boy in it who caught my eye and ripped it out (metaphorically of course). As the new Indiana Jones movie just came out, I’d been having a bit of an Indy film festival lately. And after watching The Goonies (after watching Indiana Jones) You know what I noticed? SHORT ROUND IS IN THE GOONIES! Who would have guessed? (um…again…)

But what I’d really adore knowing is just what the hell happened to Jonathan Ke Quan (Short Round). IMBd says that after such programs as “Head Of Class” and “Tales from the Crypt”, our dear Jonny didn’t do much else in the career of acting. Of course, there was 2002’s "Mou han fou wut". Let me sum it up for you:

(Las Vegas)

Ren Lee: Wow! Let’s go show the world how great we are by betting absolutely all our money on a stupid Craps game!

Sing Wong (aka Jonathan Ke Quan) : Hey, Dr. Jones, no time for love. We've got company.

Tina Chow: Why hello.

Ren Lee: Who the f*** are you?

Tina Chow: The name’s Cecilia. Cecilla Cheung. But you can just call me Mystic Rock Lady who later dies in a car crash approximately two seconds from now. And you’re commin with me, Sing.

Sing Wong : Indy! Cover your heart! Cover your heart! Argah! *gurgles and dies in a most horrific way*

Ren Lee: Um…am I dead?

Det. Luca: Even worse…you’re stuck with ME! And it only get’s worse from here! *They go back in time* In the past…we FALL IN LOVE! It’s just like back to the future, only in Cantonese and slightly more gay.

Ren Lee: Oh God just kill me now!

God: Ok. *lightning bolt ascends from the heavens to “electrocution bang bang” Ren *

Ren Lee: Argah! *falls to ground* Thanks! *dies*

***Later in the after life***

Ren Lee: Det. Luca? What the hell are you doing here?

Muca: I’m not Det. Luca. I’m her identical twin Det. Muca. We’re alike in every single way. WELCOME TO HADES!

Ren Lee: Oh crap! Well, do you at least know “the Peaking Raccoon” Sutra?

Muca: I just said I‘m like Luca, I didn’t say I was Halle f***ing Berry!

Tina Chow: That reference made about as much sense as the plot line of BUG, which by the way made no sense whatsoever.

Sing Wong: Hold on to your potatoes!


There, now why on earth didn’t Jonathan Ke Quan continue acting? And he had so much aspiring, unadulterated talent…Oh well. I suppose some child actors are just not meant to be actors because they really can’t act, so they go on to do crappy foreign flicks instead.

Until next week, I’m HippieAnarchist!
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Old 06-05-2008
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You know what just plain pisses me off? The elderly. But not just the elderly people, the crazy elderly people…I mean the way their minds work. So check this out…

[At my house]

Me: Grandma, did you move my eyeliner?

Grandma: (turns around with black eye-liner all over her lips) But I thought it was lip liner…

And there’s even more!

Me: Grandma, did you hide all the toilet paper again?

Grandma: Damn it, the Nazi’s are on to us Max! Quick, we gotta jump out that extremely high apartment window! And …Go! *Attempts to jump out window but smashes into shatter-proof glass instead, breaking her glasses in the posses* Damn! Foiled by the Soviets once more! Now how’s I goanna read the Bible! Max, we’ve got to end this now. I’ll shoot you and you shoot me, ok? And Go! *shoots carpet* Max…? I think you missed me. Try again Max! One…two…*shoots carpet*

Me: Grandma, Grandpa Max has been dead for fourteen years.

Grandma: What? Oh…Well back to my knitting, then!


Whatever you do, don’t ever, EVER let me become crazy…
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Old 06-05-2008
spencer43 spencer43 is offline
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To late for that buddy.
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Old 06-06-2008
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Well, you've got me there. I'll admit, I am a bit psychotic. Maybe even more then a bit. Actually, I'm pretty nuts, and I don't deny such accusations as the one you made. In all honesty, *whispers* Being normal just got too...too Ben Stein for me. <img src='/images/emoticons/smiley7.png'>
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Old 06-06-2008
spencer43 spencer43 is offline
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lol i agree, but then you must define what you believe is normal.
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Old 06-07-2008
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Normal is the Hollywood nose.

Everyone has the same one, weather they were born with it or not.

Except for Adrien Brody. He decided to keep his.

Go Brody! <img src='/images/emoticons/smiley2.png'>
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Old 06-12-2008
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So, I had finals this week. And you know what I hate about finals? EVERYTHING.

[In English Classroom]

Teacher: Alright students. You may begin your exams…NOW! GO!!! *Waves checkered flag*

Student 1: HA! I’M GOING TO BEAT YOU!!!!!!
Student 2: NOT IF I BEAT YOU FIRST!!! (His pencil breaks) HUH? WHAT’S THIS? SABOTAGE!
Student 1: DAMN!


The funny thing is, that’s only High School Finals. I hear collage ones are about 10x worse. And you know what that means…

*A masked man jumps through window*


Exactly. A nightmare, right?

Until next week, I’m HippieAnarchist.
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Old 06-20-2008
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*Written by me as seen on the Avatar: The Last Airbender Forum*

Presenting: The HippieAnarchist's rant on Spongebob! *cheers*

Spongebob is DEAD, and has been dead ever since that "Lost Episode" thing with the flying pants. Yeah. Great. A flying sponge. But can he bend fire? Survey says....NO...
And despite Nickelodeon's ever alive scheme to resurrect this decrepit series, I personally believe that because Spongebob is dead in the hearts of the fans, it's only a matter of time before he (and the vile series) are dead as well. Or they could just cancel the series and let it go with what little dignity it has left. But let's face it. Spongebob is the Hannah Montana of Nick. If they trash it, they trash it's only asset. Remember Danny Phantom? No. No you do not. And why? Because it wasn't an icon. Spongebob is. But not for long...

Please Nick, for the sake of the fans


I'm HippieAnarchist. Until next week!
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Old 06-20-2008
cionicgreycloak cionicgreycloak is offline
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i walked into school this morning with a leaf and thought "one of these made me 35 minutes late this morning. and a train weighing over 200 tons was unable to pass over it. and to think that they can send men to the moon and back, bloody good thing they dont have leaves on the moon isnt it"
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Old 06-22-2008
langleyassault langleyassault is offline
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<i>Post censored by DarkWarrior.</i>
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Old 06-22-2008
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Why don't you just leaf me alone.

God damn I'm so hilarious.
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Old 06-22-2008
cionicgreycloak cionicgreycloak is offline
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lol yes i can see i'm rolling around the floor in hysterics
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Old 06-23-2008
FullMetalRevive FullMetalRevive is offline
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Your not hilarious.
Your Un-hilarious.
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Old 06-23-2008
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I'll tell you what's Un-Hilarious. Maggie Gyllenhaal portraying Rachel Dawes in The Dark Knight. *shudders* John Papsidera is one twisted bastard...
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