This city is afraid of me. I have seen its true face. The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout 'Save us!'... and Gon's Balls will whisper 'First... comes... rock!' Hah!  Made you stare at Naruto's Marshmallow!  Pushing the logo off-center to drive TheOcean insane.  
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Old 07-19-2007
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WeirdoSpiral WeirdoSpiral is offline
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Do any of you watch it, and if you do, then who is your favorite Idol, song, event, and so on. Now, speak to me Mind Slaves!
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Old 07-19-2007
Kaelus Kaelus is offline
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I love American Idol, from the early crappy auditions to the final stages of the real deal competition.

To be honest, I'm not a big fan of most Idols... the only good ones are Jordin Sparks and Carrie Underwood, in my opinion. My favorites from all seasons are Clay Aiken, La Toya London, Chris Daughtry, Mandisa, LaKisha Jones, Paris Bennett, Stephanie Edwards, Sabrina Sloan... and the almighty SANJAYA! Seriously, I love that guy. So what if he keeps holding back his voice, he's freaking adorable, and charisma also counts as talent. Right? RIGHT??

But anyway, the show occasionally pisses me off -- either when a brilliant performer is sent away too early or when the judges give a completely out-of-the-window review. Randy always waits for Simon to say something for him to complement and Paula's comments are... uhh... sorta disposable. Simon's actually the only one there with something meaningful to say, and he's usually accurate. Not always, though.

On a side note, less than two weeks for season seven's crappy auditions to begin! Whoo!
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Old 07-19-2007
DrowningFish DrowningFish is offline
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American Idol needed to end many, many seasons ago. I don't dispute the talent of some of its contestants, but the fact that it's the same thing over and over and over again season after season really starts to drag. I also hate the commercials between each season that claim that the next go around will have the most talent yet or will be the most intense or whatever this particular ad's variation on that theme may be. American Idol's longevity is the thing that really pissed me off about a singer winning America's Got Talent last year. We've got a show for the damned singers, let's have people with other abilities win some money for once, huh?
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Old 07-19-2007
catdogeffect catdogeffect is offline
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American Idol......*cough, cough*..... The only person I enjoy to listen to is Carrrie Underwood..... Anyways I don't even watch the show because I think its a waste of brain cells (except when Simon tells people off hahaha)
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Old 07-20-2007
adamgray318 adamgray318 is offline
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sorry but i just hate american idol. from what ive seen so far the judges kick off anyone who sings rock or metal.

not once so far have i seen a rock or metal singer on american idol get through.

which is why i stopped watching it. same shit just started happening over and over again.
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Old 07-20-2007
sonicherosfan sonicherosfan is offline
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No one for a long time has been able to sing, actually. Especially Sanjaya. xP And Blake Lewis. I can't stand any of the singers. Except, Jordan I think her name was? Yes, she was good.

Everyone else sucks; American Idol isn't a really good show.
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Old 07-20-2007
Oops Oops is offline
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Isn't that the show, where it turns its watchers into slaves? Gets more votes then the presidential election, and drains away my tolerance of pop music for 90% of the shows season?
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Old 08-09-2007
skigh skigh is offline
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first three season = :)

latest seasons = :(
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Old 08-09-2007
Smickinawesome Smickinawesome is offline
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American Idol got old fast. The only part I like is the auditions where all the horrible people who think they can sing attempt to and get shot down by the judges (Simon Cowell is a jackass, but he is kinda funny sometimes).
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Old 08-09-2007
solblade00 solblade00 is offline
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I started watching American Idol during season five (which was apparently one of their best seasons). I liked Elliott Yamin, Chris Daughtry and Paris Bennett.

Then I figured 'what the heck' and decided to watch season six. The only ones that captured my attention were Blake Lewis, Mandisa and Jordin. Blake couldn't really sing that well, and Jordin seemed to be stretching her "I'm only 17, hear me roar" image a bit too much. Melinda was perfect, so naturally, she's booted off in third place =P

I don't plan on watching the next season.
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Old 08-09-2007
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WeirdoSpiral WeirdoSpiral is offline
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Does anybody remember the Rhonneta audition? (I think I spelled the name right.)
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Old 08-09-2007
skigh skigh is offline
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Maybe.... how did that go.
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Old 08-13-2007
link670 link670 is offline
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American idol is a crap show which ruins the word music, and is followed by fat low lives who would go on a hunger strike because some schmuck doesnt get voted off.
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Old 08-15-2007
SilverRevealed SilverRevealed is offline
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I agree that many of the contestants on American Idol have a great deal of talent, but I would never watch the show on my own. My roommate whines if she misses an episode, so it's usually on in our room, and what choice do I have but to watch what's on the TV, right? Anyway, the point is American Idol is entertaining, but I don't feel that many of the contestants are there to express themselves so much as artists and creators as opposed to just pop singers. Some of the contestants only end up staying because they look nice, even when they sing like crap. That's why I think Simon is usually a good balance to the show. He tends to tell it like it is. And I was sad when Melinda got voted off this last season because she had a strong, beautiful voice and a great personality.
The sad thing is, American Idol ends up being (what else?) a popularity contest as opposed to a real music competition. ;_;
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Old 08-15-2007
skigh skigh is offline
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The sad thing is, American Idol ends up being (what else?) a popularity contest as opposed to a real music competition. ;_;
And I was sad when Melinda got voted off this last season because she had a strong, beautiful voice and a great personality.
I was also rooting for Melinda. The year before, I was rooting for Mandisa, who also had a good voice, but was canned later on. I was really upset then too. Acutally, I normally just get upset when someone whose decent is kicked off but someone who sucks but "looks cute" stays on.

Actually, I almost always agree with Simon on stuff. After a performance and he says something, the audience is all "booo" and I'm thinking that I actually agree.

Once again, my opinion. xD
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Old 08-15-2007
SilverRevealed SilverRevealed is offline
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That's because Simon is right 99.9% of the time. On American Idol, Simon = God. He's always right but no one listens to him.
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Old 08-18-2007
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I don't get why people even like the show. It's a waste of time, and has nothing to do with the world of music AT ALL! it's a waste of brain cells, and the winners are usually famous for one weekend, they they're forgotten about afterwards. Although, I applaud Kelly C for making it this far.

The only good about the show is Simon Cowell. He makes me laugh. As for what he says to the auditioners. Lol. He's certainy right about what he says. he should say who get's a record deal rather then the others who do that. Maybe then we won't have crap singers like Vanessa Hudgens, Aly & AJ, Ashley Tisdale, and other crap singers like them.
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Old 03-07-2011
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I cry'd when they were doing Beatle covers, because it was so bad.
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Old 04-26-2012
smiera smiera is offline
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Its one of the good reality show that i love to watch and analysed it as a good platform for talent hunters so that they can groom well with their best talent in it.
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