This city is afraid of me. I have seen its true face. The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout 'Save us!'... and Gon's Balls will whisper 'First... comes... rock!' Hah!  Made you stare at Naruto's Marshmallow!  Pushing the logo off-center to drive TheOcean insane.  
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Old 08-17-2007
Jesus Jesus is offline
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The world in disapointment.

[Jesus, IRC god]
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Old 08-18-2007
yoeivil3r yoeivil3r is offline
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Harry Potter 5 some day´s after it was relased.
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Old 08-19-2007
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Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
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Old 08-26-2007
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Right now as I do some forum posts I'm right into a fav of mine on TV, Anger Management. Oh that's what we need for an episode, a rendition of I Feel Pretty from West Side Story!
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Old 09-03-2007
KinkyKuriboh KinkyKuriboh is offline
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Please don't throw anything, but right now, I've got the Muppets Take Manhattan on DVD. <img src='/images/emoticons/smiley8.png'>
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Old 09-13-2007
Safty Safty is offline
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I watched "Atonement" the other day it's fantastic...I recommend it to anyone.
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Old 09-13-2007
FFSamurai FFSamurai is offline
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I just finished watching the movie Hard Boiled and oh man, it's like amazing if the word was good enough to describe it. To say this film is like Die Hard on crack isn't enough to do it justice. If you neutered this film you would get Die Hard. Man oh man, any other things I could say before getting to why it's so f-ing good I would say if I had a day to devote to it. Now the synopsis of this film could read it's a buddy cop film and it's about stopping a drug running operation, and blah blah blah blah but forget all that, it's all about the intense, immense, destroy every f-ing thing around gun fights. It's like you start with the smallest gunfight around that's still f-ing awesome, with stuff that'll remind you immediately of El Mariachi, then each sequential fight blooms into a more immense segment of carnage, mayhem, body-counts, and explosive action that'll leave you in your seat unable to do anything but watch it unfold. This is like an FPS turned movie, only a good movie that gave you what you wanted then blew your mind with what you never thought you wanted but you now know you do and are oh so happy you got after your done watching the whole thing literally blow up in your face, but in such a good way it's unbelievable. Lord knows I sound like an advertisement and I really, really want to give details but then I know anyone reading this would hate me for spoiling it, because it's just that f-ing good. Now to those looking for a well written detective story, you'll be horribly horribly disappointed. Some cliche's are laid on pretty thick, like the precinct Sargent yelling at the protagonist for one example, and the story at times, especially in the beginning, assumes you know something about the film that, as this sentence can lead anyone to deduce, you don't actually know at the onset. In fact, if you want only to see a decent story you'll be wasting your time here, it's all about the action. You should see this only if your interested in the action, and boy you will not be dissappointed there. Deffinitely makes me really really want to play the sequel-game now.
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Old 09-16-2007
Safty Safty is offline
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"Critters" although I'm more listening to it than watching...
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Old 09-17-2007
RejonGarnzelle RejonGarnzelle is offline
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I have just been working my way through the free dvd that came with this months issue of NEO magazine....the first episode of Samurai Champloo, Ergo Proxy and Berzerk
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Old 09-17-2007
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ZeldaStrife ZeldaStrife is offline
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let's see, the last movie i actually sat down and watched was... a little over two weeks ago and it was Final Fantasy VII Advent Children.

my friends and i are planning a Lord of the Rings weekend where we're gonna watch all three extended editions of the films. we've done it beofre, but with only two of the ex editions.
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Old 09-22-2007
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Serenity............I have watched it about hmmmmm 20 times and its still awesome.
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Old 09-22-2007
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ha ha, we just finished watching RotK about an hour ago. we started Fellowship at 11am, and we finished at 1045 pm. It was epic. simply epic. we laughed, we cried, we got bored with Two Towers, but doesnt everybody? XD
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Old 09-23-2007
FFSamurai FFSamurai is offline
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eh I dunno, that battle at Helms Deep is still kick ass
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Old 09-23-2007
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ZeldaStrife ZeldaStrife is offline
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helms deep always kicks ass. no questions about it! Pelennor Fields is pretty epic, too, what with Gandalf taking over for denethor, Rohan miraculously appearing to save Gondor's hide and Aragorn summoning an Army of the Dead. im just saying.

have you ever watched all 3 in one sitting?
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Old 09-24-2007
Memington Memington is offline
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Hot Fuzz. I'm actually watching it right now. I like how I thought it was going to be an action flick, but it turned out to be a mystery.
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Old 09-24-2007
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I should probably finish watching all of the Star Wars films before I watch anything else (since I've only ever seen two of them). *Avoids being hit by thrown lightsabers* Run Away! O.O
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Old 09-25-2007
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ZeldaStrife ZeldaStrife is offline
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um, yeah. gotta watch Star Wars! what two have you watched so far?
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Old 09-27-2007
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Last Friday I went to the movies and watched Rush Hour 3. It was good I like Jackie Chan movies. ^^
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Old 09-27-2007
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I saw Resident Evil was actually entertaining.
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Old 09-29-2007
haggardheart haggardheart is offline
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last thing i watch was the latest episode of yugioh abridged and yesterday was Family guy blue harvest(i really enjoyed it, was funny as hell) I love how meg was only in it for a couple seconds lol
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Old 09-30-2007
FFSamurai FFSamurai is offline
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Actually the closest thing I got to that was spending 2 hours a day for like a week watching all of the extended editions back to back. One day when I get the constitution for it I wanna try sitting through the entire epic. Anyways though, onto my review of Superman: Doomsday.

Before I continue, beware that there are spoilers to the movie in this review. Sure you saw the main spoiler I use for this review in the trailers for this movie, the whole advertising campaign is all about this one particular spoiler, and it doesn’t reveal much about the comic books storyline but a spoiler it remains none the less. Take note, highlight the appropriate sections, and read on if you’re still interested.

[ I just got done watching Superman: Doomsday. Now before going into this I read all the reviews I could on Yahoo, IMDB, and other sources memory evades the specifics on and knew full well it would suck. Still though, thanks to the web plenty of free versions exist and I got to view it without downloading the thing so I figured eh, why not? So I saw the movie and man, did every single review peg it right on the nose. The animation is only a single step above South Park quality, the voice actors sound like they don't care about the lines they're reading, Lois Lane sounds like a geriatric woman and Superman sounds like the Family Guy version of Adam West, and the only thing this has to do with the comics is the characters doomsday and superman exactly. And by exactly, I mean they're in the film and they fight each other though even that is hardly done like it was in the comics. After Superman dies, which happens roughly thirty minutes into the film by the way, the plot throws the comics out the window and uses it’s own script involving Superman’s clone.

This flick is the worst animated super hero flick I’ve ever seen but even so the movie’s plotline and the battles Superman has save it from being absolute gutter. It truly does have the man of steel fighting more violently and destructively than he ever has before, so those interested in solely that will be content. For those looking for a plotline you’ll find a so-so Lois-centric journey here where she copes with losing Superman, discovering his secret identity, and finally finding him again. It’s as basic as it gets but it’s an entertaining enough plot to keep mild interest. This film is pretty mediocre all around but if you’ve nothing better to do and want to rent something out of boredom Superman saves the day in this one.

If your reading this without highlighting the spoiler sections then here is your version of the review without spoilers. The movie is mediocre in animation, voice acting, and over-all direction but a mildly interesting plot and the best animated action scenes Superman has ever had save it as a rental if nothing better is around and you and your friends are bored one night. Oh, and don't show this to the little kids, the deaths make this a definite PG-13 flick.

Though on the end of this posting, be sure to check out the actual Death of Superman comic series if you ever get the chance. The plotline is far better and you’ll be infinitely more entertained by the graphic novel or individual comic books than you’d ever be by this movie. Also if you want to see an example of an excellent comic to animated flick adaptation try Doctor Strange. A beautiful storyline, great animation, and top notch voice acting make it the exact opposite of Superman: Doomsday.
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Old 10-02-2007
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Old 10-03-2007
FFSamurai FFSamurai is offline
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Never saw that one but I did see part of the sequel to Suicide Club. Although disturbed deeply and near-pukingly I'm not surprised the movie was like that if those people made it.
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Old 10-03-2007
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Old 10-05-2007
ChocoChio ChocoChio is offline
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I watch a load a MIAZAKI filmz.
Seein az im a BIG girlygal i taut Death of the Firerflies was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sad. But i do recomend it 2 yuz all!

Also " Kai Du Maru is the most RIDICULUS film of all time!!!!!!!!!!! <img src='/images/emoticons/smiley2.png'>
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Old 10-09-2007
LettersAndNumbers LettersAndNumbers is offline
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I just watched Monster House with my little bro. It's pretty cool, and creepy.
And this movie called, oh, I dunno, the MATRIX, just about the greatest movie ever made. Okay, no, not really, but it's pretty danged rad.

The City of Lost Children: best foreign film. Really really weird, but any foreign film that gets to my side of the planet has got to be amazing. Well, I understood SOME French, but you get it. If you want to see a surreal but funny and awesome movie, get this one.
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Old 10-12-2007
Netish Netish is offline
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Monty Python and the Holy Grail and Blues Brothers. Two classics...can't be beat!
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Old 10-14-2007
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I watched Se7en that was a great movie.
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Old 10-15-2007
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hmm, I've heard a lot of positive comments about that one.....maybe I should actually watch it
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Old 10-16-2007
MorningPoop MorningPoop is offline
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I've been watching a lot of Mystery Science Theater 3000 lately.

The Wild, Wild World of Batwoman SUCKS.
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